Link to orechid
Allows editing lists of results from the Orechid and Orechid Ignem.
Note that outputs added through this list will not be affected by the priority config option.
To dump the full list of loaded results, run the /ct dump orechidOutputs
This class was added by a mod with mod-id botania
. So you need to have this mod installed if you want to use this feature.
Diese Klasse importieren
Link to diese-klasse-importieren
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.botania.Orechid;
Static Properties
Link to static-properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Beschreibung |
Name main | Type Orechid | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Beschreibung The manager for the standard Orechid. |
Name nether | Type Orechid | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Beschreibung The manager for the nether variant, Orechid Ignem. |
Link to methoden
Name: clear
Completely clears the ore list.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// Orechid.clear() as void
Name: registerOreWeight
Adds the specified ingredient with the specified weight at the end of the ore list.
As the output is a state ingredient, you can use blocks, blockstates and tags as the output.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// Orechid.registerOreWeight(output as StateIngredient, weight as int) as void
Orechid.main.registerOreWeight(<block:minecraft:coal_ore>, 250);
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter output | Type StateIngredient | Beschreibung The block result |
Parameter weight | Type int | Beschreibung The weight of the result |
Name: removeOreWeight
Removes all outputs that contain the specified state.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// Orechid.removeOreWeight(state as MCBlockState) as void
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter state | Type MCBlockState | Beschreibung State to remove |