Link to mccommandnode
Diese Klasse importieren
Link to diese-klasse-importieren
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.commands.custom.MCCommandNode;
Link to casters
Result type | Is Implicit |
Result type string | Is Implicit true |
Link to methoden
Name: addChild
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.addChild(node as MCCommandNode) as void
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter knoten | Type MCCommandNode | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: canUse
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.canUse(source as MCCommandSource) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter quell | Type MCCommandSource | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: createBuilder
Return Type: MCArgumentBuilder
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.createBuilder() as MCArgumentBuilder
Name: equals
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.equals(o as Object) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter o | Type Object | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: findAmbiguities
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.findAmbiguities(consumer as MCAmbiguityConsumer) as void
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter konsumenten | Type MCAmbiguityConsumer | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: getChild
Return Type: MCCommandNode
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.getChild(name as string) as MCCommandNode
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter name | Type string | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: getChildren
Return Type: Collection<MCCommandNode>
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getChildren() as Collection<MCCommandNode>
Name: getCommand
Return Type: MCCommand
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getCommand() as MCCommand
Name: getExamples
Return Type: Collection<string>
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getExamples() as Collection<string>
Name: getName
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getName() as string
Name: getRedirect
Return Type: MCCommandNode
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getRedirect() as MCCommandNode
Name: getRedirectModifier
Return Type: MCRedirectModifier
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getRedirectModifier() as MCRedirectModifier
Name: getRelevantNodes
Return Type: Collection<MCCommandNode>
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.getRelevantNodes(input as string) as Collection<MCCommandNode>
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter input | Type string | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: getRequirement
Return Type: Predicate<MCCommandSource>
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getRequirement() as Predicate<MCCommandSource>
Name: getUsageText
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.getUsageText() as string
Name: hashCode
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.hashCode() as int
Name: isFork
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.isFork() as boolean
Name: listSuggestions
Return Type: MCSuggestions
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.listSuggestions(context as MCCommandContext, builder as MCSuggestionsBuilder) as MCSuggestions
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter kontext | Type MCCommandContext | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Parameter bauer | Type MCSuggestions-Builder | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: parse
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyMCCommandNode.parse(input as string, contextBuilder as MCCommandContextBuilder) as void
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter input | Type string | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Parameter contextBuilder | Type MCCommandContextBuilder | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: toString
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCCommandNode.toString() as string
Link to operatoren
ZenScript CopymyMCCommandNode < o as MCCommandNode
ZenScript CopymyMCCommandNode == o as Object