Astral Sorcery Altar
The Altar is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Add Recipe
The following script adds two recipes to the Altar that will do the following:
The first recipe is made in the Iridescent Altar (
Altar Type) and outputs Dirt after 50 ticks (2.5 seconds) and using 50 starlight. -
The second recipe is made in the Celestial Altar (
Altar Type) and outputs a Diamond after 50 ticks (2.5 seconds) and using 50 starlight.
The second recipe is just an example of using a pattern to register the recipe, both methods produce the same result.
The recipe grids NEEDS to be 5x5. If your recipe isn’t 5x5, you need to pad it out with Air until it is 5x5.
The default Altar Types are:
You can get them by using /ct dump astralAltarTypes
in-game as well.
// <recipetype:astralsorcery:altar>.addRecipe(name as string, altarType as string, output as IItemStack, ingredients as IIngredient[][], duration as int, starlightRequired as int)// <recipetype:astralsorcery:altar>.addRecipe(name as string, altarType as string, output as IItemStack, pattern as string[], ingredients as IIngredient[string], duration as int, starlightRequired as int)
val air = <item:minecraft:air>;
<recipetype:astralsorcery:altar>.addRecipe("altar_test", "RADIANCE", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [[air, air, air, <item:minecraft:arrow>, air],[air, <item:minecraft:diamond>, air, air, air],[air, air, <item:minecraft:apple>, air, air],[air, air, air, air, air],[<item:minecraft:glass>, air, air, air, <item:minecraft:stick>]], 50, 50);
<recipetype:astralsorcery:altar>.addRecipe("altar_pattern_test", "CONSTELLATION", <item:minecraft:diamond>, ["_____","_qwe_","_ewq_","_____","_____"], {q: <item:minecraft:apple>, w: <tag:items:minecraft:wool>, e: <item:minecraft:dirt>}, 50, 50);
Remove Recipes
The following script will remove the Formation Wand recipe from the Altar.
// <recipetype:astralsorcery:altar>.removeByName(name as string);