This page relates to Create, which does not have built-in support, you will need to install CreateTweaker as well
Create Mixing
The Mixing mechanic is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Heat Types
Create has three different “heat” types that are used in recipes. which are the following:
You can use any of those heat values when the recipe calls for “heat”
Add Recipe with an Item output
The following script will add recipes that will:
- Output an Arrow when a Diamond and an Apple are Mixed with no heat with a duration of 100.
- Output a Brick when a Diamond, Dirt and Lava (fluid) are Mixed with “heated” heat with a duration of 100.
- Output Water (fluid) when Glass, Dirt and Lava (fluid) are Mixed with “superheated” heat with a duration of 100.
// <recipetype:create:mixing>.addRecipe(String name, String heat, IItemStack output, IIngredientWithAmount[] itemInputs, @Optional IFluidStack[] fluidInputs, @Optional(100) int duration)
// <recipetype:create:mixing>.addRecipe(String name, String heat, IFluidStack output, IIngredientWithAmount[] itemInputs, @Optional IFluidStack[] fluidInputs, @Optional(100) int duration)
<recipetype:create:mixing>.addRecipe("mixing_test_1", "none", <item:minecraft:arrow>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:apple>]);<recipetype:create:mixing>.addRecipe("mixing_test_2", "heated", <item:minecraft:brick>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:dirt>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava>]);<recipetype:create:mixing>.addRecipe("mixing_test_3", "superheated", <fluid:minecraft:water>, [<item:minecraft:glass>, <item:minecraft:dirt>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava>]);
Remove Recipes for Items
The following script will remove all Mixing recipes that output Andesite Alloy.
// <recipetype:create:mixing>.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
Remove Recipes for Fluids
The following script will remove all Compacting recipes that output Builders Tea (Fluid)
// <recipetype:create:mixing>.removeRecipe(IFluidStack output)