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Generic JSON Recipes
This page relates to Create, which does not have built-in support, you will need to install CreateTweaker as well

Create Splashing

The Splashing mechanic is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe() and removeAll().


Add Recipe

The following script will add a recipe that will output a Diamond and an Apple 45% of the time when a piece of Dirt is Splashed with a duration of 100.

// <recipetype:create:splashing>.addRecipe(String name, MCWeightedItemStack[] output, IIngredient input, @Optional(100) int duration)
<recipetype:create:splashing>.addRecipe("splashing_test", [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:apple> % 45], <item:minecraft:dirt>);

Remove Recipes

The following script will remove all Splashing recipes that output Yellow Concrete.

// <recipetype:create:splashing>.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)