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This page relates to GameStages, which has built-in support!

Game Stage Events

CraftTweaker allows you to register event listeners which are parts of scripts that are executed every time a certain event occurs in the game. GameStages expands this system to allow listeners to be registered for when a player’s stages have been changed.

On GameStage Added

This event occurs every time a stage is granted to a player. You are given access to the player who unlocked the stage and the name of the stage that was unlocked.

import crafttweaker.api.events.CTEventManager;
import mods.gamestages.events.GameStageAdded;
// Registers a listener for when a game stage is added to a player.
CTEventManager.register<GameStageAdded>((event) => {
// The code in here will be ran every time a player is granted a stage.
// You are given access to the player who unlocked the stage and the name
// of the unlocked stage through the event context.
// You can get the stage being added using event.stage. In this case we
// check if the stage being added is event_example_one.
if (event.stage == "event_example_one") {
// This code is only ran if the above condition is met. In this case
// we send them a message and give them some diamonds.
event.player.sendMessage("You unlocked event_example_one! Have diamonds.");
event.player.give(<item:minecraft:diamond> * 4);

On GameStage Removed

This event occurs every time a stage is removed from a player. You are given access to the player who lost the stage and the name of the stage that was lost.

import crafttweaker.api.events.CTEventManager;
import mods.gamestages.events.GameStageRemoved;
// Registers a listener for when a game stage is removed from a player.
CTEventManager.register<GameStageRemoved>((event) => {
// The code in here will be ran every time a player loses a game stage.
// You are given access to the player who lost the stage and the name of
// the stage that was lost through event context.
// You can get the stage being removed using event.stage. In this case we
// check if the stage lost was event_example_two.
if (event.stage == "event_example_two") {
// This code is only ran if the above condition is met. In this case
// we send them a message and give them some sticks.
event.player.sendMessage("You lost event_example_two! You get sticks.");
event.player.give(<item:minecraft:stick> * 7);

On GameStage Cleared

This event occurs when a player has their stages cleared. You are given access to the player who lost all of their stages.

import crafttweaker.api.events.CTEventManager;
import mods.gamestages.events.GameStageCleared;
// Registers a listener for when a player has all their stages cleared.
CTEventManager.register<GameStageCleared>((event) => {
// The code in here will be ran every time a player has their game stages
// cleared. You are given access to the player being cleared through the
// event context.
// We get the player who lost their stages using event.player and then we
// give them a chat message and some sugar.
event.player.sendMessage("You lost all your stages!");
event.player.give(<item:minecraft:sugar> * 2);