Identifies a fully free-form JEI category, which allows custom background, drawable, and slot placement.
This class was added by a mod with mod-id jeitweaker
. So you need to have this mod installed if you want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.jei.category.Custom;
Extending SimpleJeiCategory
Custom extends SimpleJeiCategory. That means all methods available in SimpleJeiCategory are also available in Custom
Places a new JeiDrawable at the given coordinates.
Return Type: void
Custom.addDrawable(x as int, y as int, drawable as JeiDrawable) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type int | Description The x coordinate where the drawable should be placed. |
Parameter y | Type int | Description The y coordinate where the drawable should be placed. |
Parameter drawable | Type JeiDrawable | Description The drawable to add. |
Places a new slot to this recipe with the given index at the specified coordinates.
Return Type: void
Custom.addSlot(index as int, x as int, y as int, isInput as boolean) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The slot index. Must be unique. |
Parameter x | Type int | Description The x coordinate where the slot should be placed. |
Parameter y | Type int | Description The y coordinate where the slot should be placed. |
Parameter isInput | Type boolean | Description Whether the slot is an input (true ) or an output (false ) slot. |
Adds a new text area that appears at the given coordinates.
The added text area is global, meaning it appears in all recipes the same way.
Return Type: void
Custom.addText(x as int, y as int, text as MCTextComponent) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type int | Description The x coordinate where the text should appear. |
Parameter y | Type int | Description The y coordinate where the text should appear. |
Parameter text | Type MCTextComponent | Description The text that should appear. |
Adds a new tooltip that appears when the mouse is in a rectangle active area of width w
and height
at the specified coordinates with the given text.
The tooltip is global, meaning it appears in all recipes with the same text.
Return Type: void
Custom.addTooltip(x as int, y as int, w as int, h as int, text as MCTextComponent[]) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type int | Description The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the active area. |
Parameter y | Type int | Description The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the active area. |
Parameter w | Type int | Description The width of the rectangle that determines the active area. |
Parameter h | Type int | Description The height of the rectangle that determines the active area. |
Parameter text | Type MCTextComponent[] | Description A list of MCTextComponents indicating the text that should be present in the tooltip. |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name background | Type void | Has Getter false | Has Setter true | Description Sets the JeiDrawable which acts as the background of this category. |
Name canHaveShapelessMarker | Type void | Has Getter false | Has Setter true | Description Sets whether recipes in this category can be marked as shapeless. |