This class was added by a mod with mod-id mekanism
. So you need to have this mod installed if you
want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.mekanism.api.ingredient.ChemicalStackIngredient.PigmentStackIngredient;
Implemented Interfaces
PigmentStackIngredient implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in PigmentStackIngredient
Static Methods
Combines multiple PigmentStackIngredient s into a single PigmentStackIngredient .
Returns: A
single PigmentStackIngredient
representing all the passed in ingredients.
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.createMulti(ingredients as PigmentStackIngredient[]) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredients | Type PigmentStackIngredient[] | Description Ingredients to combine |
Creates a PigmentStackIngredient that matches a given pigment stack.
A PigmentStackIngredient
that matches a given pigment stack.
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.from(instance as PigmentStack) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter instance | Type PigmentStack | Description Pigment stack to match |
Creates a PigmentStackIngredient that matches a given pigment tag with amount.
A PigmentStackIngredient
that matches a given pigment tag with amount.
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.from(pigmentTag as MCTagWithAmount<Pigment>) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter pigmentTag | Type MCTagWithAmount<Pigment> | Description Tag and amount to match |
Creates a PigmentStackIngredient that matches a given pigment and amount.
A PigmentStackIngredient
that matches a given pigment and amount.
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.from(instance as Pigment, amount as long) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter instance | Type Pigment | Description Pigment to match |
Parameter amount | Type long | Description Amount needed |
Creates a PigmentStackIngredient that matches a given pigment tag with a given amount.
A PigmentStackIngredient
that matches a given pigment tag with a given amount.
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.from(pigmentTag as MCTag<Pigment>, amount as long) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter pigmentTag | Type MCTag<Pigment> | Description Tag to match |
Parameter amount | Type long | Description Amount needed |
Result type | Is Implicit |
Result type IData | Is Implicit true |
Converts this PigmentStackIngredient into JSON (IData).
Returns: PigmentStackIngredient
as JSON.
Return Type: IData
// PigmentStackIngredient.asIData() as IData
OR’s this PigmentStackIngredient with another PigmentStackIngredient to create a multi PigmentStackIngredient
Multi PigmentStackIngredient
that matches both the
source PigmentStackIngredient
and the
OR’d PigmentStackIngredient
Type: PigmentStackIngredient
PigmentStackIngredient.or(other as PigmentStackIngredient) as PigmentStackIngredient
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type PigmentStackIngredient | Description PigmentStackIngredient to combine with. |
Returns a new GasStackIngredient using the two GasStackIngredient as a base.
(ing1 as GasStackIngredient) | (ing2 as GasStackIngredient);