This class was added by a mod with mod-id mekanism
. So you need to have this mod installed if you
want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.mekanism.content.attribute.gas.CoolantAttribute;
Implemented Interfaces
CoolantAttribute implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in CoolantAttribute
Static Methods
Defines a ‘cooled’ variant of a coolant for use in Fission Reactors.
Returns: Attribute representing a ‘cooled’ variant of a coolant.
Return Type: CoolantAttribute
CoolantAttribute.cooled(heatedGas as Supplier<Gas>, thermalEnthalpy as double, conductivity as double) as CoolantAttribute
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter heatedGas | Type Supplier<Gas> | Description Supplier to the heated variant of this chemical. |
Parameter thermalEnthalpy | Type double | Description Defines how much energy one mB of the chemical can store; lower values will cause reactors to require more of the chemical to stay cool. Must be greater than zero. |
Parameter conductivity | Type double | Description Defines the proportion of a reactor’s available heat that can be used at an instant to convert this coolant’s cool variant to its heated variant. This value should be greater than zero, and at most one. |
Defines the ‘heated’ variant of a coolant for use in Fission Reactors.
Returns: Attribute representing the ‘heated’ variant of a coolant.
Return Type: CoolantAttribute
CoolantAttribute.heated(cooledGas as Supplier<Gas>, thermalEnthalpy as double, conductivity as double) as CoolantAttribute
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter cooledGas | Type Supplier<Gas> | Description Supplier to the cooled variant of this chemical. |
Parameter thermalEnthalpy | Type double | Description Defines how much energy one mB of the chemical can store; lower values will cause reactors to require more of the chemical to stay cool. Must be greater than zero. |
Parameter conductivity | Type double | Description Defines the proportion of a reactor’s available heat that can be used at an instant to convert this coolant’s cool variant to its heated variant. This value should be greater than zero, and at most one. |