This class was added by a mod with mod-id mekanism
. So you need to have this mod installed if you
want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.mekanism.recipe.Reaction;
Extending MekanismRecipeManager
Reaction extends MekanismRecipeManager. That means all methods available in MekanismRecipeManager are also available in Reaction
Return Type: void
Reaction.addJSONRecipe(name as string, data as IData) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Parameter data | Type IData | Description No Description Provided |
Adds a reaction recipe that converts an item, fluid, and gas into another gas. Pressurized Reaction Chambers can process this recipe type.
Return Type: void
Reaction.addRecipe(name as string, inputSolid as ItemStackIngredient, inputFluid as FluidStackIngredient, inputGas as GasStackIngredient, duration as int, outputGas as GasStack, energyRequired as FloatingLong) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter name | Type string | Description Name of the new recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputSolid | Type ItemStackIngredient | Description ItemStackIngredient representing the item input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputFluid | Type FluidStackIngredient | Description FluidStackIngredient representing the fluid input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputGas | Type GasStackIngredient | Description GasStackIngredient representing the gas input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter duration | Type int | Description Base duration in ticks that this recipe takes to complete. Must be greater than zero. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter outputGas | Type GasStack | Description GasStack representing the gas output of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter energyRequired | Type FloatingLong | Description Optional value representing how much “extra” energy this recipe requires, compared to the base energy requirements of the machine performing the recipe. Defaults to zero. | Optional true | DefaultValue 0 as mods.mekanism.api.FloatingLong |
Adds a reaction recipe that converts an item, fluid, and gas into another item. Pressurized Reaction Chambers can process this recipe type.
Return Type: void
Reaction.addRecipe(name as string, inputSolid as ItemStackIngredient, inputFluid as FluidStackIngredient, inputGas as GasStackIngredient, duration as int, outputItem as IItemStack, energyRequired as FloatingLong) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter name | Type string | Description Name of the new recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputSolid | Type ItemStackIngredient | Description ItemStackIngredient representing the item input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputFluid | Type FluidStackIngredient | Description FluidStackIngredient representing the fluid input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputGas | Type GasStackIngredient | Description GasStackIngredient representing the gas input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter duration | Type int | Description Base duration in ticks that this recipe takes to complete. Must be greater than zero. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter outputItem | Type IItemStack | Description IItemStack representing the item output of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter energyRequired | Type FloatingLong | Description Optional value representing how much “extra” energy this recipe requires, compared to the base energy requirements of the machine performing the recipe. Defaults to zero. | Optional true | DefaultValue 0 as mods.mekanism.api.FloatingLong |
Adds a reaction recipe that converts an item, fluid, and gas into another item and gas. Pressurized Reaction Chambers can process this recipe type.
Return Type: void
Reaction.addRecipe(name as string, inputSolid as ItemStackIngredient, inputFluid as FluidStackIngredient, inputGas as GasStackIngredient, duration as int, outputItem as IItemStack, outputGas as GasStack, energyRequired as FloatingLong) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter name | Type string | Description Name of the new recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputSolid | Type ItemStackIngredient | Description ItemStackIngredient representing the item input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputFluid | Type FluidStackIngredient | Description FluidStackIngredient representing the fluid input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter inputGas | Type GasStackIngredient | Description GasStackIngredient representing the gas input of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter duration | Type int | Description Base duration in ticks that this recipe takes to complete. Must be greater than zero. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter outputItem | Type IItemStack | Description IItemStack representing the item output of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter outputGas | Type GasStack | Description GasStack representing the gas output of the recipe. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter energyRequired | Type FloatingLong | Description Optional value representing how much “extra” energy this recipe requires, compared to the base energy requirements of the machine performing the recipe. Defaults to zero. | Optional true | DefaultValue 0 as mods.mekanism.api.FloatingLong |
Return Type: stdlib.List<WrapperRecipe>
// Reaction.getAllRecipes() as stdlib.List<WrapperRecipe>
Return Type: WrapperRecipe
Reaction.getRecipeByName(name as string) as WrapperRecipe
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: WrapperRecipe[MCResourceLocation]
// Reaction.getRecipeMap() as WrapperRecipe[MCResourceLocation]
Return Type: void
// Reaction.removeAll() as void
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeByModid(modid as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter modid | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeByModid(modid as string, exclude as RecipeFilter) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter modid | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Parameter exclude | Type RecipeFilter | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeByName(name as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeByRegex(regex as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter regex | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeByRegex(regex as string, exclude as RecipeFilter) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter regex | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Parameter exclude | Type RecipeFilter | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeRecipe(output as IItemStack) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter output | Type IItemStack | Description No Description Provided |
Return Type: void
Reaction.removeRecipeByInput(input as IItemStack) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter input | Type IItemStack | Description No Description Provided |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name allRecipes | Type stdlib.List<WrapperRecipe> | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description No Description Provided |
Name recipeMap | Type WrapperRecipe[MCResourceLocation] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description No Description Provided |