This class was added by a mod with mod-id projecte
. So you need to have this mod installed if you
want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.projecte.CustomConversion;
The CustomConversion class allows you to define a custom recipe for the TransmutationTablet. This means that the EMC of the output item is directly dependent on the EMC of the inputs.
Static Methods
Adds a conversion to be mapped from the given set of inputs into the given output
Return Type: void
import mods.projecte.CustomConversion;import mods.projecte.NSSResolver;import mods.projecte.NormalizedSimpleStack;import mods.projecte.CustomEMC;
CustomConversion.addConversion(stack as NormalizedSimpleStack, amount as int, ingredients as int?[NormalizedSimpleStack]) as void
var myMap as int?[NormalizedSimpleStack] = { NSSResolver.fromItem(<item:mekanism:ingot_refined_obsidian>) : 8 as int?, <item:mekanism:ingot_refined_glowstone> : 1 as int?
} as int?[NormalizedSimpleStack];
CustomConversion.addConversion(<item:mekanism:teleporter_frame>, 9, myMap);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter stack | Type NormalizedSimpleStack | Description NormalizedSimpleStack representing the conversion’s output. |
Parameter amount | Type int | Description Amount the conversion outputs. |
Parameter ingredients | Type int?[NormalizedSimpleStack] | Description Map representing all inputs to the conversion. |
The above example yields the following EMC Value for the Mekanism teleporter frame, provided that Refined Obsidian has an EMC of 1500: