Tinkers’ Construct Melting
Melting is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Add Recipe
The following script adds four Melting recipes that do the following:
1) Adds a normal Melting Recipe that produces 1mb of Water (Fluid) when Black Dye is melted at 0°C.
2) Adds a Damageable Melting Recipe that producess 1000mb of Water (Fluid) when an Elytra is melted at 0°C.
2.1) Damageable Melting Recipes are recipes who’s output amount (the amount of Fluid that is produced) changes depending on how damaged the input item is.
3) Adds an Ore Melting recipe that produces 100mb of Water (Fluid) when a Stick is melted at 0°C.
3.1) Ore Melting Recipes are recipes who’s output amount (the amount of Fluid that is produced) changes depending on which Controller (Smeltery or Melter) the recipe is made in.
3.2) This recipe produces a byproduct of 50mb of Lava (Fluid).
4) Adds a Material Melting Recipe that allows an Axe Head to be melted into 5 ingots worth of the material the Axe Head was made of.
4.1) Material Melting Recipes are recipes who’s output Fluid depends on the Material of the input Item, for example, if you smelt a Gold Axe Head, the recipe will produce 5 ingots worth (720mb) Molten Gold (Fluid).
4.2) The recipe for the axe head is first removed then we add it back with the changed values.
4.3) The item needs to be an Item that works with Materials, you can find a list of valid items by running /ct dump ticMaterialItems
// <recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addMeltingRecipe(name as string, input as IIngredient, output as IFluidStack, temperature as int, time as int, @Optional byproduct as IFluidStack[])// <recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addDamageableMeltingRecipe(name as string, input as IIngredient, output as IFluidStack, temperature as int, time as int, @Optional byproduct as IFluidStack[])// <recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addOreMeltingRecipe(name as string, input as IIngredient, output as IFluidStack, temperature as int, time as int, @Optional byproduct as IFluidStack[])// <recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addMaterialMeltingRecipe(name as string, item as Item, cost as int)
<recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addMeltingRecipe("melting_test", <item:minecraft:black_dye>, <fluid:minecraft:water>, 0, 50);<recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addDamageableMeltingRecipe("damageable_melting_test", <item:minecraft:elytra>, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 1000, 0, 50);<recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addOreMeltingRecipe("ore_melting_test", <item:minecraft:stick>, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 100, 0, 50, [<fluid:minecraft:lava> * 50]);<recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.removeByName("tconstruct:tools/parts/melting/broad_axe_head");<recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.addMaterialMeltingRecipe("material_melting_test", <item:tconstruct:broad_axe_head>, 5);
Remove Recipes
The following script removes the Anvil to Molten Iron (Fluid) recipe.
// <recipetype:tconstruct:melting>.removeByName(name as string)