The blockbuilder is used to… build blocks (you totally didn’t see that one coming, right… right?).
Once you created it you can set various properties which will be outlined by the separate methods.
You can also change the block’s type to create a more specialized form of block (e.g. stairs or Blocks that can be rotated in the same way logs can). To tell CoT that you want the block to appear ingame you need to call this#build(String) and specify a valid resource location path.
This class was added by a mod with mod-id contenttweaker
. So you need to have this mod installed if you want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.contenttweaker.block.BlockBuilder;
Implemented Interfaces
BlockBuilder implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in BlockBuilder
Creates a new BlockBuilder.
Remember that this will not create a new block in the game, you need to call this#build(String) for that.
new BlockBuilder(material as MCMaterial) as BlockBuildernew BlockBuilder(<blockmaterial:earth>);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter material | Type MCMaterial | Description The material this block will have | Optional true | DefaultValue blockmaterial:iron |
Instructs CoT that this block is not solid.
This is required if your model is not a full block (16x16x16). It is also required if your model is see-through (like glass). Set this if your block creates some X-Ray effects when it’s placed.
Returns: This builder, used for chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.notSolid() as BlockBuilder
Sets that the block is opaque, like vanilla glass.
Returns: The builder, used for method chaining.
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.opaque() as BlockBuilder
Sets that the block needs a tool to harvest.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.setRequiresTool() as BlockBuilder
Sets the block’s hardness and resistance levels. Unlike the other method, this one only accepts one parameter and will use that value for both properties.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withHardnessAndResistance(hardnessAndResistance as float) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter hardnessAndResistance | Type float | Description The value to set for hardness and for resistance. |
Sets the block’s hardness and resistance levels. Unlike the other method, this one allows you to set each property one to a separate value.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withHardnessAndResistance(hardnessIn as float, resistanceIn as float) as BlockBuilder
myBlockBuilder.withHardnessAndResistance(0.5f, 0.5f);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter hardnessIn | Type float | Description The value to set for hardness |
Parameter resistanceIn | Type float | Description The value to set for resistance. |
Sets the mining level required to mine this block
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withHarvestLevel(harvestLevel as int) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter harvestLevel | Type int | Description The harvest level requried |
Sets the tool required to harvest this block
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withHarvestTool(harvestTool as ToolType) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter harvestTool | Type ToolType | Description The tool type |
Sets the item group in which this block will appear
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withItemGroup(group as ItemGroup) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter group | Type ItemGroup | Description The group to set |
Sets the jump factor.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withJumpFactor(jumpFactorIn as float) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter jumpFactorIn | Type float | Description The value to set |
Sets the block’s light value.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withLightValue(lightValueIn as int) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter lightValueIn | Type int | Description The light level to set |
Will instruct CoT to override this block’s loot table with the one of the block Provided. Currently this will still create a loot table entry, though it will be ignored by the game.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withLootFrom(blockIn as MCBlock) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter blockIn | Type MCBlock | Description The block whose loot table should be applied |
Sets the maximum Stack size that this block can have when in your inventory. Will be 64 if unchanged.
Returns: This builder, used for chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withMaxStackSize(size as int) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter size | Type int | Description The size to set. |
Allows you to set the rarity of this block.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withRarity(rarity as string) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type string | Description The rarity |
Sets the block’s render type. Will also set the block as this#notSolid() if the argument is not solid
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withRenderType(renderType as BlockRenderType) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter renderType | Type BlockRenderType | Description No Description Provided |
Sets the slipperiness.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withSlipperiness(slipperinessIn as float) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter slipperinessIn | Type float | Description The value to set |
Sets the speed factor.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withSpeedFactor(speedFactorIn as float) as BlockBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter speedFactorIn | Type float | Description The value to set |
Sets that the block should be ticked randomly.
Returns: The builder, used for method chaining.
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withTickRandomly() as BlockBuilder
Sets the specific type of this block. After this method is called the builder’s context will switch to the more provided type builder. That means that the methods of this builder will no longer be available, so any properties you wish to set should be set before you call this method.
Returns: A builder with the given block.
Return Type: T
BlockBuilder.withType<T : BlockTypeBuilder>() as T
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter T | Type BlockTypeBuilder | Description The Type of block that this should become |
Sets that the block has variable opacity.
Returns: The builder, used for method chaining.
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withVariableOpacity() as BlockBuilder
Will instruct CoT that this block will not have any loot entries. Currently this will still create a loot table entry, though it will be ignored by the game.
Returns: This builder, used for method chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withoutDrops() as BlockBuilder
Instructs CoT that this block will does not block movement. Will also set the block as this#notSolid()
Returns: This builder, used for chaining
Return Type: BlockBuilder
// BlockBuilder.withoutMovementBlocking() as BlockBuilder