A registered CoT Item. Used for advanced functionality. like onItemUse, onItemRightClick etc.
These functions should be run in CraftTweaker scripts, instead of ContentTweaker ones. And they are reloadable. You can get it via advanced item BEP.
This class was added by a mod with mod-id contenttweaker
. So you need to have this mod installed if you want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.contenttweaker.item.advance.CoTItemAdvanced;
Sets what will happen when the item is ticked in an inventory.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setInventoryTick(func as IItemInventoryTick) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemInventoryTick | Description an IItemInventoryTick function |
The item’s color.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setItemColorSupplier(func as IItemColorSupplier) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemColorSupplier | Description an IItemColorSupplier, The tintIndex is layerX property of its model. |
Sets the use action of this Item.
By default, if this item is a food, the use action will be “EAT”.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setItemUseAction(func as IItemUseActionSupplier) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemUseActionSupplier | Description an IItemUseFinish function, the function should return the new ItemStack |
How long it takes to use or consume an item.
By default, if the use finish function is defined or the item is a food, it will be 32.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setItemUseDuration(func as IItemUseDurationSupplier) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemUseDurationSupplier | Description an IItemUseDurationSupplier function |
Sets what will happen when a living entity attacks other entities with this item.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setOnHitEntity(func as IItemHitEntity) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemHitEntity | Description an IItemHitEntity function, the function return whether can attack or not. |
Sets what will happen when a player interacts (right-clicks) an entity with this item.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setOnInteractWithEntity(func as IItemInteractWithEntity) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemInteractWithEntity | Description an IItemInteractWithEntity function, the function should return an ActionResultType |
Sets what will happen when the player right clicks with the item. If the item is food, then you cannot use this method as the food mechanics also use this method.
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setOnItemRightClick(func as IItemRightClick) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemRightClick | Description an IItemRightClick function, the function should return an ActionResultType |
Sets what will happen when the player uses this item on a block
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setOnItemUse(func as IItemUse) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemUse | Description an IItemUse function, the function should return an ActionResultType |
Sets what will happen when the player finishes using this Item (like when finishing eating).
Not called when the player stops using this Item before the action is complete
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setOnItemUseFinish(func as IItemUseFinish) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemUseFinish | Description an IItemUseFinish function, the function should return the new ItemStack |
The Set function will be called each tick while using the item
Returns: the CoTItemAdvanced, used for method chaining
Return Type: CoTItemAdvanced
CoTItemAdvanced.setUsingTick(func as IItemUsingTick) as CoTItemAdvanced
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter func | Type IItemUsingTick | Description an IItemUsingTick function. The count argument of function is the amount of time in tick the item has been used for continuously. |