Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.inventory.IInventory;
Clears this inventory of all items.
Return Type: void
// IInventory.clear() as void
Marks the inventory as closed, this is used by chests and barrels to determine if they should have a closed texture / model, but other inventories may use it in a different way.
Return Type: void
// IInventory.closeInventory(player as MCPlayerEntity) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter player | Type MCPlayerEntity | Description The player that opened the inventory. |
Counts how many of the given Item is in this inventory.
NOTE: This does not work for IItemStacks, so all NBT will be ignored.
Returns: The amount of the Item in this inventory.
Return Type: int
// IInventory.count(item as MCItemDefinition) as int
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter item | Type MCItemDefinition | Description The Item to look for. |
Counts how many ItemStacks in this inventory match the given predicate.
Returns: The amount of ItemStacks in this inventory that match the predicate.
Return Type: int
// IInventory.count(predicate as Predicate<IItemStack>) as int
myIInventory.count((stack) => stack.amount == 2);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter predicate | Type Predicate<IItemStack> | Description The predicate to test against |
Decreases the stack size of the stack in the given slot by the given count.
Returns: A new stack with how much was removed.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IInventory.decrStackSize(index as int, count as int) as IItemStack
myIInventory.decrStackSize(2, 2);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The slot index to decrement. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter count | Type int | Description How much should be removed. | Optional true | DefaultValue 1 |
Gets how many slots this inventory has.
A hopper will return 5
Returns: The amount of slots this inventory has.
Return Type: int
// IInventory.getInventorySize() as int
Gets the max stack size that is allowed in this inventory.
This is nearly always 64, but some inventories like the Beacon and Compostor have a limit of 1.
Returns: The max stack size allowed in the inventory.
Return Type: int
// IInventory.getInventoryStackLimit() as int
Gets the IItemStack in the given slot.
Returns: The IItemStack in the slot.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IInventory.getStackInSlot(index as int) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The index to get the stack from. |
Gets the ItemStacks in this inventory that match the given predicate.
Returns: A list of IItemStacks that match the given predicate.
Return Type: stdlib.List<IItemStack>
// IInventory.getStacks(predicate as Predicate<IItemStack>) as stdlib.List<IItemStack>
myIInventory.getStacks((stack) => stack.amount == 2;);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter predicate | Type Predicate<IItemStack> | Description The predicate to test against. |
Checks if this inventory has any of the given Items.
NOTE: This does not work for IItemStacks, so all NBT will be ignored.
Returns: True if this inventory has any of the items. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
// IInventory.hasAny(list as stdlib.List<MCItemDefinition>) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter list | Type stdlib.List<MCItemDefinition> | Description The Items to look for. |
Checks if this inventory is empty.
Returns: True if this inventory is empty. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
// IInventory.isEmpty() as boolean
Checks if the given stack is valid for the given slot index.
Returns: True if the stack is valid. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
// IInventory.isItemValidForSlot(index as int, stack as IItemStack) as boolean
myIInventory.isItemValidForSlot(2, <item:minecraft:dirt>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The slot index to check. |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The stack to check. |
Checks if this IInventory can be used by the player.
Returns: True if the player can use this inventory. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
// IInventory.isUsableByPlayer(player as MCPlayerEntity) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter player | Type MCPlayerEntity | Description The player to check if they can use this inventory. |
Used by tile entities to ensure that chunks are up to date when they are saved to disk.
Return Type: void
// IInventory.markDirty() as void
Marks the inventory as opened, this is used by chests and barrels to determine if they should have an open texture / model, but other inventories may use it in a different way.
Return Type: void
// IInventory.openInventory(player as MCPlayerEntity) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter player | Type MCPlayerEntity | Description The player that opened the inventory. |
Removes the IItemStack from the given slot and returns it.
Returns: The removed stack from the slot.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IInventory.removeStackFromSlot(index as int) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The slot index to remove. |
Sets the contents of the given slot to the given IItemStack.
Return Type: void
// IInventory.setInventorySlotContents(index as int, stack as IItemStack) as void
myIInventory.setInventorySlotContents(2, <item:minecraft:diamond>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The slot index to set. |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The IItemStack to put in the slot. |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name inventorySize | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets how many slots this inventory has. Example: A hopper will return 5 |
Name inventoryStackLimit | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the max stack size that is allowed in this inventory. This is nearly always 64, but some inventories like the Beacon and Compostor have a limit of 1. |
Name isEmpty | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Checks if this inventory is empty. |