Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.villagers.VillagerTrades;
Adds a new custom trade with the selling and buying items determined by the custom MCMerchantOffer generator.
The function will only run when the villager resolves the trade.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, offerGenerator as BiFunction<MCEntity,Random,MCMerchantOffer>) as void
villagerTrades.addTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, (entity, random) => { return new MCMerchantOffer(<item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:diamond>, 16, 0, 5); });
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter offerGenerator | Type BiFunction<MCEntity,Random,MCMerchantOffer> | Description A generator method to make a new MerchantOffer. |
Adds a Villager Trade for emeralds for an Item. An example being, giving a villager 2 emeralds for an arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, emeralds as int, forSale as ItemStack, maxTrades as int, xp as int, priceMult as float) as void
villagerTrades.addTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, 16, <item:minecraft:diamond>, 5, 2, 0.05);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter emeralds | Type int | Description The amount of Emeralds. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter forSale | Type ItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter maxTrades | Type int | Description How many times can this trade be done. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter xp | Type int | Description How much Experience is given by trading. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter priceMult | Type float | Description When this trade is discounted, how much should it be discounted by. | Optional true | DefaultValue 1.0 |
Adds a Villager Trade for an Item for an Item. An example being, giving a villager 2 diamonds for an arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, input1 as ItemStack, forSale as ItemStack, maxTrades as int, xp as int, priceMult as float) as void
villagerTrades.addTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:dirt> * 16, <item:minecraft:diamond>, 5, 2, 0.05);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter input1 | Type ItemStack | Description The ItemStack that is being given to the Villager. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter forSale | Type ItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter maxTrades | Type int | Description How many times can this trade be done. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter xp | Type int | Description How much Experience is given by trading. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter priceMult | Type float | Description When this trade is discounted, how much should it be discounted by. | Optional true | DefaultValue 1.0 |
Adds a Villager Trade for two Items for an Item. An example being, giving a villager 2 diamonds and 2 dirt for an arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, input1 as ItemStack, input2 as ItemStack, forSale as ItemStack, maxTrades as int, xp as int, priceMult as float) as void
villagerTrades.addTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:diamond> * 2, <item:minecraft:dirt> * 2, <item:minecraft:arrow>, 5, 2, 0.05);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter input1 | Type ItemStack | Description The main ItemStack that is being given to the Villager. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter input2 | Type ItemStack | Description The secondary ItemStack that is being given to the Villager. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter forSale | Type ItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter maxTrades | Type int | Description How many times can this trade be done. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter xp | Type int | Description How much Experience is given by trading. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter priceMult | Type float | Description When this trade is discounted, how much should it be discounted by. | Optional true | DefaultValue 1.0 |
Adds a Wandering Trader Trade for emeralds for an Item. An example being, giving a Wandering Trader 2 emeralds for an arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addWanderingTrade(rarity as int, emeralds as int, forSale as ItemStack, maxTrades as int, xp as int) as void
villagerTrades.addWanderingTrade(1, 16, <item:minecraft:diamond>, 16, 2);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type int | Description The rarity of the Trade. Valid options are 1 or 2 . A Wandering Trader can only spawn with a single trade of rarity 2 . |
Parameter emeralds | Type int | Description The amount of Emeralds. |
Parameter forSale | Type ItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Wandering Trader). |
Parameter maxTrades | Type int | Description How many times can this trade be done. |
Parameter xp | Type int | Description How much Experience is given by trading. |
Adds a Wandering Trader Trade for emeralds for an Item. An example being, giving a Wandering Trader 2 emeralds for an arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.addWanderingTrade(rarity as int, price as IItemStack, forSale as IItemStack, maxTrades as int, xp as int) as void
villagerTrades.addWanderingTrade(1, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:diamond>, 16, 2);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type int | Description The rarity of the Trade. Valid options are 1 or 2 . A Wandering Trader can only spawn with a single trade of rarity 2 . |
Parameter price | Type IItemStack | Description The ItemStack being given to the Wandering Trader. |
Parameter forSale | Type IItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Wandering Trader). |
Parameter maxTrades | Type int | Description How many times can this trade be done. |
Parameter xp | Type int | Description How much Experience is given by trading. |
Removes all the trades for the given profession and villagerLevel
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeAllTrades(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int) as void
villagerTrades.removeAllTrades(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description hat profession to remove from. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Removes all wandering trades of the given rarity
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeAllWanderinTrades(rarity as int) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type int | Description The rarity of the Trade. Valid options are 1 or 2 . A Wandering Trader can only spawn with a single trade of rarity 2 . |
Removes all wandering trades of the given rarity
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeAllWanderingTrades(rarity as int) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type int | Description The rarity of the Trade. Valid options are 1 or 2 . A Wandering Trader can only spawn with a single trade of rarity 2 . |
Removes a BasicTrade
Villager trade. BasicTrades
are trades that allow any item, to any other item. It is only really used for mod recipes and is not used for any vanilla villager trade.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeBasicTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, forSale as IItemStack, price as IItemStack, price2 as IItemStack) as void
villagerTrades.removeBasicTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:arrow>, <item:minecraft:stick>, <item:minecraft:emerald>);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter forSale | Type IItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter price | Type IItemStack | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue item:minecraft:air |
Parameter price2 | Type IItemStack | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue item:minecraft:air |
Removes a Villager trade for Items for Dyed leather armor. An example being, giving a villager Leather Leggings and 3 Emeralds and getting a Blue Dyed Leather Leggings.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeDyedArmorForEmeraldsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, buyingItem as MCItemDefinition) as void
villagerTrades.removeDyedArmorForEmeraldsTrade(<profession:minecraft:leatherworker>, 1, <item:minecraft:leather_chestplate>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter buyingItem | Type MCItemDefinition | Description The base ItemStack that a random Dye colour will be applied to. E.G. A leather chestplate with no effect applied. |
Removes a Villager trade for Emeralds for Items. An example being, giving a villager 20 Wheat and getting an Emerald from the villager.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeEmeraldForItemsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, tradeFor as MCItemDefinition) as void
villagerTrades.removeEmeraldForItemsTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:potato>.definition);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter tradeFor | Type MCItemDefinition | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). |
Removes a Villager trade for a Map. An example being, giving a villager 13 Emeralds and getting a Map to a structure.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeEmeraldForMapTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int) as void
villagerTrades.removeEmeraldForMapTrade(<profession:minecraft:cartographer>, 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Removes a Villager trade for an Enchanted Book. An example being, giving a villager Emeralds and getting an Enchanted Book with a random Enchantment.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeEnchantedBookForEmeraldsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int) as void
villagerTrades.removeEnchantedBookForEmeraldsTrade(<profession:minecraft:librarian>, 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Removes a Villager trade for an Enchanted Item. An example being, giving a villager 3 Emeralds and getting an Enchanted Pickaxe.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeEnchantedItemForEmeraldsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, buyingItem as IItemStack) as void
villagerTrades.removeEnchantedItemForEmeraldsTrade(<profession:minecraft:armorer>, 1, <item:minecraft:diamond_boots>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter buyingItem | Type IItemStack | Description The ItemStack that the Villager is selling (including any NBT). |
Removes a Villager trade for Items for an Item with a PotionEffect. An example being, giving a villager an Arrow and an Emerald and getting a Tipped Arrow with night vision.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeItemWithPotionForEmeraldsAndItemsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, potionStack as IItemStack, sellingItem as MCItemDefinition) as void
villagerTrades.removeItemWithPotionForEmeraldsAndItemsTrade(<profession:minecraft:fletcher>, 1, <item:minecraft:tipped_arrow>, <item:minecraft:arrow>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter potionStack | Type IItemStack | Description The base ItemStack that a random potion effect will be applied to. E.G. A tipped Arrow with no effect applied. |
Parameter sellingItem | Type MCItemDefinition | Description What ItemStack is being given to the Villager. |
Removes a Villager trade for Emeralds and Items for Items. An example being, giving a villager 6 uncooked Cod and an Emerald and getting back 6 Cooked Cod.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeItemsForEmeraldsAndItemsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, sellingItem as IItemStack, buyingItem as IItemStack) as void
villagerTrades.removeItemsForEmeraldsAndItemsTrade(<profession:minecraft:fisherman>, 1, <item:minecraft:cooked_cod>, <item:minecraft:cod>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter sellingItem | Type IItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being given to the Villager. |
Parameter buyingItem | Type IItemStack | Description The item that the Villager is selling. |
Removes a Villager trade for Items for Emeralds. An example being, giving a villager an Emerald and getting 4 Pumpkin Pies from the villager.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeItemsForEmeraldsTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, sellingItem as IItemStack) as void
villagerTrades.removeItemsForEmeraldsTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:apple>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter sellingItem | Type IItemStack | Description What ItemStack is being given to the Villager. |
Removes a Villager trade for Suspicious Stew. An example being, giving a villager an Emerald and getting a bowl of Suspicious Stew back.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeSuspiciousStewForEmeraldTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int) as void
villagerTrades.removeSuspiciousStewForEmeraldTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description What profession this trade should be for. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Removes the specified trade for the given profession and villagerLevel.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeTrade(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, buying as IIngredient, selling as IIngredient, secondBuying as IIngredient) as void
villagerTrades.removeTrade(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:potato>, <item:minecraft:emerald>, <item:minecraft:air>);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description That profession to remove from. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter buying | Type IIngredient | Description The first item that you are giving to the villager. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter selling | Type IIngredient | Description The item that the villager is selling to you. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter secondBuying | Type IIngredient | Description The second item that you are giving to the villager. Will default to air if not provided. | Optional true | DefaultValue item:minecraft:air |
Removes all trades that have the specified item as the buying item for the given profession and villagerLevel.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeTradesBuying(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, buying as IIngredient) as void
villagerTrades.removeTradesBuying(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:potato>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description That profession to remove from. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter buying | Type IIngredient | Description The first item that you are giving to the villager. |
Removes all trades that have the specified items as the buying items for the given profession and villagerLevel.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeTradesBuying(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, buying as IIngredient, secondBuying as IIngredient) as void
villagerTrades.removeTradesBuying(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:potato>, <item:minecraft:air>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description That profession to remove from. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter buying | Type IIngredient | Description The first item that you are giving to the villager. |
Parameter secondBuying | Type IIngredient | Description The second item that you are giving to the villager. Will default to air if not provided. |
Removes all trades that sell the specified item for the given profession and villagerLevel.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeTradesSelling(profession as MCVillagerProfession, villagerLevel as int, selling as IIngredient) as void
villagerTrades.removeTradesSelling(<profession:minecraft:farmer>, 1, <item:minecraft:emerald>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter profession | Type MCVillagerProfession | Description That profession to remove from. |
Parameter villagerLevel | Type int | Description The level the Villager needs to be. |
Parameter selling | Type IIngredient | Description The item that the villager is selling to you. |
Removes a Wandering Trader trade for Emeralds for Items. An example being, giving a Wandering Trader 2 Emeralds for an Arrow.
Return Type: void
// VillagerTrades.removeWanderingTrade(rarity as int, tradeFor as IIngredient) as void
villagerTrades.removeWanderingTrade(2, <item:minecraft:arrow>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter rarity | Type int | Description The rarity of the Trade. Valid options are 1 or 2 . A Wandering Trader can only spawn with a single trade of rarity 2 . |
Parameter tradeFor | Type IIngredient | Description What ItemStack is being sold (by the Villager). |