Link to ingredientany
An IIngredient which matches all items
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.item.IngredientAny;
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
IngredientAny implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in IngredientAny
Static Methods
Link to static-methods
Name: getInstance
Return Type: IngredientAny
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.getInstance() as IngredientAny
Link to casters
Result type | Is Implicit |
Result type IData | Is Implicit true |
Result type MapData | Is Implicit true |
Link to methods
Name: addGlobalAttributeModifier
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IIngredient.
Attributes added with this method appear on all ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to have the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withAttributeModifier
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.addGlobalAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as MCEquipmentSlotType[]) as void
IngredientAny.getInstance().addGlobalAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<equipmentslottype:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type MCEquipmentSlotType[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. |
Name: addGlobalAttributeModifier
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IIngredient using a specific UUID.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier. You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method appear on all ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to have the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withAttributeModifier
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.addGlobalAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as string, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as MCEquipmentSlotType[]) as void
IngredientAny.getInstance().addGlobalAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<equipmentslottype:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The unique identifier of the modifier to replace. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type MCEquipmentSlotType[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. |
Name: addShiftTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.addShiftTooltip(content as MCTextComponent, showMessage as MCTextComponent) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter コンテンツ | Type MCTextComponent | Description No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter showMessage | Type MCTextComponent | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue |
Name: addTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.addTooltip(content as MCTextComponent) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter コンテンツ | Type MCTextComponent | Description No Description Provided |
Name: anyDamage
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.anyDamage() as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Name: clearTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.clearTooltip() as void
Name: contains
Does the ingredient contain the given ingredient?
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.contains(ingredient as IIngredient) as boolean
IngredientAny.getInstance().contains((<item:minecraft:iron_ingot> | <item:minecraft:gold_ingot>));
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type IIngredient | Description The ingredient to check |
Name: getRemainingItem
この材料スタックでクラフトが行われると、グリッド上になにが残るか? ただし、スタックが一致するかどうかのチェックは行いません! Used e.g. in Crafting Table recipes.
Return Type: IItemStack
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.getRemainingItem(stack as IItemStack) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The stack to provide for this ingredient. |
Name: matches
Does the given stack match the ingredient?
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.matches(stack as IItemStack) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The stack to check |
Name: modifyShiftTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.modifyShiftTooltip(shiftedFunction as ITooltipFunction, unshiftedFunction as ITooltipFunction) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter shiftedFunction | Type ITooltipFunction | Description No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter unshiftedFunction | Type ITooltipFunction | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue |
Name: modifyTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.modifyTooltip(function as ITooltipFunction) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter function | Type ITooltipFunction | Description No Description Provided |
Name: only
Use this if you already have the condition from another ingredient
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.only(condition as IIngredientCondition<IIngredient>) as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter condition | Type IIngredientCondition<IIngredient> | Description No Description Provided |
Name: onlyDamaged
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.onlyDamaged() as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Name: onlyDamagedAtLeast
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.onlyDamagedAtLeast(minDamage as int) as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter minDamage | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
Name: onlyDamagedAtMost
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.onlyDamagedAtMost(maxDamage as int) as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter maxDamage | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
Name: onlyIf
Return Type: MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.onlyIf(uid as string, function as Predicate<IItemStack>) as MCIngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter uid | Type string | Description No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter function | Type Predicate<IItemStack> | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue |
Name: removeGlobalAttribute
Removes all AttributeModifiers that use the given Attribute from this IIngredient.
Attributes removed with this method are removed from ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to remove the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withoutAttribute.
This method can only remove default Attributes from an ItemStack, it is still possible that an ItemStack can override it.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.removeGlobalAttribute(attribute as Attribute, slotTypes as MCEquipmentSlotType[]) as void
IngredientAny.getInstance().removeGlobalAttribute(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, [<equipmentslottype:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The attribute to remove. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type MCEquipmentSlotType[] | Description The slot types to remove it from. |
Name: removeGlobalAttributeModifier
Removes all AttributeModifiers who's ID is the same as the given uuid from this IIngredient.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// IngredientAny.removeGlobalAttributeModifier(uuid as string, slotTypes as MCEquipmentSlotType[]) as void
IngredientAny.getInstance().removeGlobalAttributeModifier("8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", [<equipmentslottype:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The unique id of the AttributeModifier to remove. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type MCEquipmentSlotType[] | Description The slot types to remove it from. |
Name: removeTooltip
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyIngredientAny.removeTooltip(regex as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter regex | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Link to 演算子
Does the ingredient contain the given ingredient?
ZenScript Copyingredient as IIngredient in myIngredientAny
(<item:minecraft:iron_ingot> | <item:minecraft:gold_ingot>) in IngredientAny.getInstance()
Name: OR
ZenScript CopymyIngredientAny | other as IIngredient
Link to properties
名称 | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
名称 burnTime | Type void | Has Getter false | Has Setter true | Description Sets the burn time of this ingredient, for use in the furnace and other machines |