Link to mcblock
Импорт класса
Link to импорт-класса
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.blocks.MCBlock;
Link to утилиты
Тип результата | Является неявным |
Тип результата MCItemDefinition | Является неявным false |
Тип результата string | Является неявным false |
Link to методы
Name: asItem
Gets the Item representation of this Block.
NOTE: Not all Blocks have Items, for instance, a Lit Redstone Lamp does not have an Item.
Returns: The Item representation of this Block.
Return Type: MCItemDefinition
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.asItem() as MCItemDefinition
Name: canCollide
Checks if entities can collide with this Block.
Returns: True if entities will collide with this Block. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.canCollide() as boolean
Name: canSpawnInBlock
Checks if an entity can be spawned inside this Block.
This is used to find valid spawn locations for players.
Returns: True if an entity can be spawned in this Block. False Otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.canSpawnInBlock() as boolean
Name: getBlastResistance
Gets the blast resistance of this Block.
Returns: The blast resistance of this Block.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getBlastResistance() as float
Name: getCommandString
Gets the block bracket handler syntax for this Block.
Returns: The block bracket handler syntax for this Block.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getCommandString() as string
Name: getDefaultState
Gets the default MCBlockState of this Block.
Returns: The default MCBlockState of this Block.
Return Type: MCBlockState
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getDefaultState() as MCBlockState
Name: getHarvestLevel
Gets the harvest level for this Block.
NOTE: This will get the level for the default blockstate, you should use the BlockState specific method for a more accurate result!
Returns: The harvest tool for this Block.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getHarvestLevel() as int
Name: getHarvestTool
Gets the harvest tool for this Block.
NOTE: This will get the tool for the default blockstate, you should use the BlockState specific method for a more accurate result!
Returns: The harvest tool for this Block.
Return Type: ToolType?
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getHarvestTool() as ToolType?
Name: getJumpFactor
Gets the jump factor of this Block.
Returns: The jump factor of this Block.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getJumpFactor() as float
Name: getLootTable
Gets the loot table id for this Block.
Returns: The loot table id for this Block.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getLootTable() as string
Name: getMaterial
Gets the material of this Block.
Returns: The material of this Block.
Return Type: MCMaterial
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getMaterial() as MCMaterial
Name: getRegistryName
Gets the registry name of this block.
Returns: A ResourceLocation of the registry name of this block.
Return Type: MCResourceLocation
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getRegistryName() as MCResourceLocation
Name: getSlipperiness
Gets the slipperiness of this Block.
Returns: The Slipperiness of this Block.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getSlipperiness() as float
Name: getSpeedFactor
Gets the speed factor of this Block.
Returns: The speed factor of this Block.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getSpeedFactor() as float
Name: getTranslationKey
Gets the translation key that is used to localize this Block.
Returns: The unlocalized name of this block.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getTranslationKey() as string
Name: getValidStates
Gets a list of valid MCBlockStates for this Block.
Returns: A list of valid MCBlockStates for this Block.
Return Type: stdlib.List<MCBlockState>
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.getValidStates() as stdlib.List<MCBlockState>
Name: isVariableOpacity
Checks if the opacity of this block is different in different areas of the Block.
Returns: True if this Block has variable opacity. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.isVariableOpacity() as boolean
Name: matchesBlock
Checks whether this Block matches another Block.
Returns: True if this Block matches the other Block. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCBlock.matchesBlock(other as MCBlock) as boolean
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр other | Тип MCBlock | Описание The other Block to check if this Block matches. |
Name: setBlastResistance
Sets the blast resistance of this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setBlastResistance(resistance as float) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр resistance | Тип float | Описание The new blast resistance of this Block. |
Name: setCanCollide
Sets whether entities can collide with this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setCanCollide(canCollide as boolean) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр canCollide | Тип boolean | Описание Can entities collide with this Block. |
Name: setHarvestLevel
Sets the harvest level for this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setHarvestLevel(level as int) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр level | Тип int | Описание the new harvest level. |
Name: setHarvestTool
Sets the harvest tool for this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setHarvestTool(type as ToolType?) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр type | Тип ToolType? | Описание The new tooltype. |
Name: setJumpFactor
Sets the jump factor of this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setJumpFactor(jumpFactor as float) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр jumpFactor | Тип float | Описание The new jump factor of this Block. |
Name: setMaterial
Sets the material of this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setMaterial(material as MCMaterial) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр material | Тип MCMaterial | Описание The new material of this Block. |
Name: setSlipperiness
Sets the slipperiness of this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setSlipperiness(slipperiness as float) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр slipperiness | Тип float | Описание The new slipperiness of this Block. |
Name: setSpeedFactor
Sets the speed factor of this Block.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlock.setSpeedFactor(speedFactor as float) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр speedFactor | Тип float | Описание The new speed factor of this Block. |
Link to свойства
Название | Тип | Имеет Getter | Имеет Setter | Описание |
Название blastResistance | Тип float | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the blast resistance of this Block. |
Название canCollide | Тип boolean | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Checks if entities can collide with this Block. |
Название commandString | Тип string | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the block bracket handler syntax for this Block. E.G. |
Название defaultState | Тип MCBlockState | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the default MCBlockState of this Block. |
Название harvestLevel | Тип int | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the harvest level for this Block. NOTE: This will get the level for the default blockstate, you should use the BlockState specific method for a more accurate result! |
Название harvestTool | Тип ToolType? | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the harvest tool for this Block. NOTE: This will get the tool for the default blockstate, you should use the BlockState specific method for a more accurate result! |
Название jumpFactor | Тип float | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the jump factor of this Block. |
Название lootTable | Тип string | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the loot table id for this Block. |
Название material | Тип MCMaterial | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the material of this Block. |
Название registryName | Тип Расположение MCResource-ресурсов | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the registry name of this block. |
Название slipperiness | Тип float | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the slipperiness of this Block. |
Название speedFactor | Тип float | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the speed factor of this Block. |
Название tags | Тип stdlib.List<MCTag<MCBlock>> | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets all the MCTag<T>s that contain this Block. |
Название translationKey | Тип string | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the translation key that is used to localize this Block. |
Название validStates | Тип stdlib.List<MCBlockState> | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets a list of valid MCBlockStates for this Block. |
Название variableOpacity | Тип boolean | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Checks if the opacity of this block is different in different areas of the Block. |