Create Compacting
Link to create-compacting
The Compacting mechanic is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager's, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Link to 使用方式
Heat Types
Link to heat-types
Create has three different "heat" types that are used in recipes. which are the following:
plaintextCopynone heated superheated
You can use any of those heat values when the recipe calls for "heat"
Add Recipe with an Item output
Link to add-recipe-with-an-item-output
The following script will add recipes that will:
- Output an Arrow when a Diamond and an Apple are Compacted with no heat and a duration of 200. 2) Output a Brick when a Diamond, Dirt and Lava (fluid) are Compacted with "heated" heat and a duration of 1000. 3) Output Paper when Glass, Dirt and Lava (fluid) are Compacted with "superheated" heat and a duration of 100.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe(String name, String heat, IItemStack output, IIngredientWithAmount[] itemInputs, @Optional IFluidStack[] fluidInputs, @Optional(100) int duration)
<recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe("compacting_test_1", "none", <item:minecraft:arrow>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:apple>], [], 200);
<recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe("compacting_test_2", "heated", <item:minecraft:brick>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:dirt>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava>], 1000);
<recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe("compacting_test_3", "superheated", <item:minecraft:paper>, [<item:minecraft:glass>, <item:minecraft:dirt>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava>]);
Add Recipe with a Fluid output
Link to add-recipe-with-a-fluid-output
The following script will add recipes that will output Water (fluid) when Paper, a Stick and Lava are Compacted with a duration of 500.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe(String name, String heat, IItemStack output, IIngredientWithAmount[] itemInputs, @Optional IFluidStack[] fluidInputs, @Optional(100) int duration)
<recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe("compacting_test_4", "superheated", <fluid:minecraft:water>, [<item:minecraft:paper>, <item:minecraft:stick>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava>], 500);
Remove Recipes for Items
Link to remove-recipes-for-items
The following script will remove all Compacting recipes that output a Bar Of Chocolate.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:create:compacting>.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
Remove Recipes for Fluids
Link to remove-recipes-for-fluids
The following script will remove all Compacting recipes that output Water (Fluid)
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:create:compacting>.removeRecipe(IFluidStack output)