This page relates to Create, which does not have built-in support, you will need to install CreateTweaker as well!
Link to sequencedassemblyrecipebuilder
The SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder is a builder object which allows you to register some recipes using a builder like pattern instead of a single method call.
Link to 使用方式
Name: loops
Sets how many loops the recipe requires.
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.loops(loops as int);
Name: addOutput
Adds an output to this recipe with the given weight.
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addOutput(output as IItemStack, weight as float);
builder.addOutput(<item:minecraft:dirt>, 0.5);
Name: transitionTo
Adds a transitional item to this recipe.
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.transitionTo(item as MCItemDefinition);
Name: require
Sets the required ingredient for this recipe.
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.require(ingredient as IIngredient);
Name: addStep
Adds a step to this recipe of the specified type
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addStep(factory as ProcessingRecipeFactory);
Name: addStep
Adds a step to this recipe of the specified type and custom values.
In this example, the recipe will need to be deployed with Dirt.
ZenScript Copy// SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addStep(factory as ProcessingRecipeFactory, builder as (ProcessingRecipebuilder) => ProcessingRecipebuilder);
builder.addStep(<recipetype:create:deploying>.factory(), (builder2) => builder2.require(<item:minecraft:dirt>));