Crafting Table
Link to crafting-table
Recipe Types
Link to recipe-types
There are three recipe types for crafting tables:
- Shapeless: A shapeless recipe is a recipe where the position of the input items in the crafting grid does not matter.
- Shaped: A shaped recipe is a recipe where the position of the items must be exact.
- Shaped Mirrored: A mirrored recipe is like shaped recipes but mirrors the recipe along the horizontal or vertical axes.
Adding a Recipe
Link to adding-a-recipe
When adding a recipe, ensure that your recipe names are unique!
Adding Shapeless Recipes
Link to adding-shapeless-recipes
craftingTable.addShapeless(recipeName, output, ingredients, recipeFunction);
(Optional) <RecipeFunctionArray>
Adds a shapeless recipe to the crafting table. As shapeless recipes ignore the position of the input items, the ordering of the items when creating the recipe does not matter either.
Shapeless recipes can have up to 9 inputs, but those with 4 or less inputs can also be crafted in the 2x2 inventory grid.
Crafting Table Recipes can also output more than 1 amount of the output item. This can be achieved by using the IItemStack multiplication operator on the output item.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShapeless("shapeless_example_1", <item:minecraft:grass>, [<item:minecraft:wheat_seeds>, <item:minecraft:dirt>]);
// A shapeless recipe can have up to 9 inputs
// This also demonstrates that more than one output can be used. In this example, 8 grass will be outputted.
craftingTable.addShapeless("shapeless_example_2", <item:minecraft:grass> * 8, [<item:minecraft:wheat_seeds>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:dirt>]);
See Using Recipe Functions for examples on how to use recipe functions.
Adding Shaped and Shaped Mirrored Recipes
Link to adding-shaped-and-shaped-mirrored-recipes
craftingTable.addShaped(recipeName, output, ingredients, recipeFunction);
craftingTable.addShapedMirrored(recipeName, output, ingredients, recipeFunction);
(Optional) <RecipeFunctionMatrix>
Adds a shaped (or mirrored, depending on the function) recipe to the crafting table. The ordering of the items when creating the recipe dictates the position of each item in the crafting grid.
Making the recipe a shaped mirrored recipe instead allows for more flexibility to the player when adding the items to the crafting grid.
Both shaped and shaped mirrored recipes can be made to work in a 2x2 (inventory) or 3x3 crafting grid.
Crafting Table Recipes can also output more than 1 amount of the output item. This can be achieved by using the IItemStack multiplication operator on the output item.
ZenScript Copy// Adding a shaped recipe
craftingTable.addShaped("shaped_example_1", <item:minecraft:arrow>, [
[<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:diamond>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:flint>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:flint>]
// Adding a shaped 2x2 recipe (this can also be done as mirrored)
craftingTable.addShaped("shaped_example_2", <item:minecraft:diamond_axe>, [
[<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:diamond>],
[<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:stick>]
// Adding a shaped mirrored recipe
craftingTable.addShapedMirrored("shaped_mirror_example_1", <item:minecraft:arrow> * 2, [
[<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:diamond>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:flint>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:flint>]
See Using Recipe Functions for examples on how to use recipe functions.
Using Recipe Functions
Link to using-recipe-functions
A recipe function allows for a programatically determined output. This can be especially useful when you need some of the input item's information, like the item's damage or other NBT data.
As Shaped and Shaped Mirrored Recipes are similar, examples will only include Shaped Recipes. You may treat any example using addShaped
as the same as using addShapedMirrored
Using RecipeFunctionArray in a Shapeless Recipe
Link to using-recipefunctionarray-in-a-shapeless-recipe
(usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[]) => {};
<IItemStack[]> Array of inputs ordered the same as defined in the original recipe
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
craftingTable.addShapeless("shapeless_func_example_1", <item:minecraft:diamond> * 9, [<item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:stick>], (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[]) => {
// Checks if <item:minecraft:dirt> has a display name of "totally real diamond block"
if (inputs[0].displayName == "totally real diamond block") {
// Returns <item:minecraft:diamond> * 9
return usualOut;
// Otherwise, return <item:minecraft:clay> with a display name of "Diamond"
return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond");
Using RecipeFunctionMatrix in a Shaped/Mirrored Recipe
Link to using-recipefunctionmatrix-in-a-shapedmirrored-recipe
(usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {};
<IItemStack[][]> Array of inputs ordered the same as defined in the original recipe. An input can be found by defining the row, then the column (inputs[0][1]
to get the item in the first row, second column).
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
craftingTable.addShaped("shapeed_func_example_1", <item:minecraft:diamond_block>, [
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>]
], (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {
var counter = 0;
// Checks if all <item:minecraft:clay_ball> has a display name of "Diamond"
for row in inputs {
for recipeItem in row {
if (<item:minecraft:clay_ball>.matches(recipeItem) && recipeItem.displayName == "Diamond") {
// If the recipe item is <item:minecraft:clay_ball> and has a name of "Diamond" increment the counter
// If we have 8 <item:minecraft:clay_ball> with a name of "Diamond"
if (counter == 8) {
if (inputs[1][1].displayName == "Special Diamond") {
// If <item:minecraft:diamond> has a display name of "Special Diamond"
// Return 2 <item:minecraft:diamond_block>
return usualOut * 2;
} else {
// Returns <item:minecraft:diamond_block>
return usualOut;
// Otherwise, return <item:minecraft:clay> with a display name of "Diamond Block"
return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond Block");
Advanced Usage
Link to advanced-usage
Functions as a Variable
Link to functions-as-a-variable
Recipe functions can be assigned to a variable allowing you to ulitize the same function for multiple recipes easily.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
var exampleShapelessRecipeVarFunction as function(usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[]) as IItemStack = (usualOut, inputs) => {
if(inputs[0].displayName == "totally real diamond block" ){
return usualOut;
return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond");
// inputs[0] in exampleShapelessRecipeVarFunction will be <item:minecraft:dirt>
craftingTable.addShapeless("shapeless_varfunc_example_1", <item:minecraft:diamond> * 9, [<item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:stick>], exampleShapelessRecipeVarFunction);
// inputs[0] in exampleShapelessRecipeVarFunction will be <item:minecraft:cobblestone>
craftingTable.addShapeless("shapeless_varfunc_example_2", <item:minecraft:diamond> * 9, [<item:minecraft:cobblestone>, <item:minecraft:dirt>], exampleShapelessRecipeVarFunction);
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
var exampleShapedRecipeVarFunction as function(usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) as IItemStack = (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {
var counter = 0;
// Checks if all <item:minecraft:clay_ball> has a display name of "Diamond"
for row in inputs {
for recipeItem in row {
if (<item:minecraft:clay_ball>.matches(recipeItem) && recipeItem.displayName == "Diamond") {
// If the recipe item is <item:minecraft:clay_ball> and has a name of "Diamond" increment the counter
// If we have 8 <item:minecraft:clay_ball> with a name of "Diamond"
if (counter == 8) {
if (inputs[1][1].displayName == "Special Diamond") {
// If <item:minecraft:diamond> has a display name of "Special Diamond"
// Return 2 <item:minecraft:diamond_block>
return usualOut * 2;
} else {
// Returns <item:minecraft:diamond_block>
return usualOut;
// Otherwise, return <item:minecraft:clay> with a display name of "Diamond Block"
return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond Block");
craftingTable.addShaped("shapeed_func_example_3", <item:minecraft:diamond_block>, [
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>]
], exampleShapedRecipeVarFunction);
craftingTable.addShaped("shapeed_func_example_4", <item:minecraft:diamond_block>, [
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>],
[<item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>, <item:minecraft:clay_ball>]
], exampleShapedRecipeVarFunction);
Removing a Recipe
Link to removing-a-recipe
Remove a Recipe by Name
Link to remove-a-recipe-by-name
Removes the recipe that matches the name provided.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByName("minecraft:sugar_from_sugar_cane");
Remove Recipes by Output
Link to remove-recipes-by-output
Removes all recipes where the output result is the provided IItemStack.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.remove(<item:minecraft:stick>);
Remove Recipes by Mod ID
Link to remove-recipes-by-mod-id
Removes all recipes added by the provided mod.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByModid("minecraft");
Exclude Recipes From Mod ID Removal
Link to exclude-recipes-from-mod-id-removal
craftingTable.removeByModid(modId, exclusionFilter);
<string> The name of the current recipe being checked. The mod id will not be included
Removes all recipes added by the provided mod. Recipes are excluded if the result of the exclusionFilter returns true for the recipe name.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByModid("minecraft", (name) => {
// Checks if the name of the recipe matches "minecraft:red_bed_from_white_bed"
return name == "red_bed_from_white_bed";
Multiple recipes can also be excluded. One way this can be done is as follows:
ZenScript Copy// An array of recipe names as strings
var minecraftExclusions as string[] = [
craftingTable.removeByModid("minecraft", (name) => {
return name in minecraftExclusions;
Remove Recipes by Regex
Link to remove-recipes-by-regex
Removes all recipes that's name matches the regex string.
ZenScript Copy// Removes recipes such as "minecraft:green_carpet", "minecraft:lime_carpet_from_white_carpet", and "minecraft:white_carpet"
Remove All Recipes
Link to remove-all-recipes
Removes all crafting table recipes.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeAll();