
Link to スクリプト入門

CraftTweaker uses a custom scripting Language called ZenScript, ZenScript is read from .zs files that are stored in the <gamedir>/scripts folder, if you aren't sure where this folder is, just run /ct scripts when in the game and the folder will open.


Script files have the .zs suffix, make sure that it isn't .zs.txt!

What are scripts

Link to what-are-scripts

Scripts are stored in <gamedir>/scripts and are loaded when the player joins a world, much like previous versions of CraftTweaker (excluding 1.12), Scripts CAN be reloaded, just run /reload.

Scripts are loaded twice when entering a single player world, once on the Server side, and then on the Client side, if you have a println() in your script, you will see it twice, since it is running twice.

This does not mean that changes are applied twice however, changes made by scripts can be sided, so some changes, such as setting localization, only run on the client side, but adding recipes is only done on the server side.

When joining a server, the server sends their scripts to the client, and the client runs those scripts. This does mean that a client without any scripts, can join a server and get the changes (useful if you need to disable an item on the server but don't want to force clients to download extra files!)


Link to あなたの最初のスクリプトを書こう

To get started with Scripts, you can create a very basic file, called hello.zs in the <gamedir>/scripts> folder; If you aren't sure where the folder is, just run /ct scripts and it should open!


println("Hello world!");

Now load up Minecraft and and take a look at the <gamedir>/logs/crafttweaker.log file (or run /ct log to have the file open in your default text editor).

The crafttweaker.log file is located in <gamedir>/logs and can be read by any program that can read plaintext files.

It is recommended to use Notepad++, Sublime Text or VSCode to edit script files, however any program will do.

When choosing a program to use to edit scripts, take a look at what Syntax highlighters are available, most common text editors have ZenScript highlighting support through the use of a plugin.

crafttweaker.log ファイル

Link to crafttweakerlog-ファイル




[14:58:06.697][DONE][SERVER][INFO] Hello world!

The syntax is used for debug purposes and the only time the syntax is not used, is for command dumps, in which case it just prints the message, this is done so copy pasting the dumped information is easier.



1行コメント: // I'm a single line comment!

一行コメントの別の方法 : # I'm also a single line comment!


/* I'm 
multiline comment! */

Just note, that # comments are also used for PreProcessors (TODO link to PreProcessors when they are documented), so while they are still valid comments, they could cause unwanted side effects.