IData #数据
Link to idata-数据
IData接口是处理NBT等数据的通用接口。 您可以将所有原始数据 (短数据, 双精度数据, 字符串数据, 整型数据, ...) 以及某些数组转换为IData。 Remember that while they offer similar features, IData and their counterparts are NOT the same, which is why they will be referred to as DataTypes (e.g. ByteData).
Link to 导入类
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport;
Link to casters
结果类型 | 是否隐藏 |
结果类型 布尔值 | 是否隐藏 false |
结果类型 ICollectionData #所收集数据 | 是否隐藏 false |
结果类型 INumberData #编号数据 | 是否隐藏 false |
Link to 使用方式
Name: asBoolean
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// IData.asBoolean() as boolean
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.asBoolean();
Name: asCollection
Return Type: ICollectionData
ZenScript Copy// IData.asCollection() as ICollectionData
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.asCollection();
Name: asNumber
Return Type: INumberData
ZenScript Copy// IData.asNumber() as INumberData
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.asNumber();
Name: asString
Returns: String that represents this IData (value and type).
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// IData.asString() as string
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.asString();
Name: contains
Checks if this IData contains another IData, mainly used in subclasses of ICollectionData, is the same as an equals check on other IData types
Returns: true if the given IData is contained in this IData
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// IData.contains(data as IData) as boolean
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.contains("Display");
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 data | 类型 IData #数据 | 描述 要检查是否有包含的数据 |
Name: copy
Returns: a copy of this IData.
Return Type: IData
ZenScript Copy// IData.copy() as IData
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.copy();
Name: getId
获取内部NBT标签的 ID。
Returns: ID of the NBT tag that this data represents.
Return Type: byte
ZenScript Copy// IData.getId() as byte
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.getId();
Name: getString
Returns: String that represents the internal INBT of this IData.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// IData.getString() as string
{Display: {lore: ["Hello", "World"]}}.getString();