Manages all interactions between JeiTweaker plugins and JEI itself.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.jei.JEI;
Static Methods
Adds the given category to the list of categories shown by JEI.
Return Type: void
JEI.addCategory(category as JeiCategory) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter category | Type JeiCategory | Description The category that should be added to JEI. |
Adds a description for the given JeiIngredient.
The description is defined as the text that is shown in the info box that appears as one of the recipe
categories for the queried ingredient.
Return Type: void
JEI.addDescription(ingredient as JeiIngredient, description as Component[]) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type JeiIngredient | Description The ingredient to which the description should be added. |
Parameter description | Type Component[] | Description A series of Components identifying the description. |
Adds the given JeiIngredient as a custom ingredient to be shown in JEI.
Return Type: void
JEI.addIngredient(ingredient as JeiIngredient) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type JeiIngredient | Description The ingredient that should be shown in JEI. |
Hides the category identified by the given category ID from displaying within JEI.
A full list of categories is available through the /ct dump jeiCategories
Return Type: void
JEI.hideCategory(category as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter category | Type string | Description The ID of the category to hide. |
Hides the given JeiIngredient, so that it does not show up in JEI.
Return Type: void
JEI.hideIngredient(ingredient as JeiIngredient) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type JeiIngredient | Description The ingredient that should be hidden from JEI. |
Hides all JeiIngredients of a given mod, making sure that they do not show up in JEI.
Optionally, some ingredients can be excluded based on their registry name from the hiding by making use of the
Note, the exclusion filter works on the full registry name, unlike recipe filters which work on the path without the modid.
Return Type: void
JEI.hideMod(modId as string, exclude as Predicate<string>) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter modId | Type string | Description The mod ID of the ingredients that should be hidden. | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter exclude | Type Predicate<string> | Description An optional exclusion filter. | Optional true | DefaultValue (name as string) => {return false;} |
Hides the recipe with the given name from appearing within the JEI category with the given ID.
Return Type: void
JEI.hideRecipe(categoryId as string, recipeName as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter categoryId | Type string | Description The ID of the category where the recipe to hide is located. |
Parameter recipeName | Type string | Description The name of the recipe that should be hidden from JEI. |
Hides all JeiIngredients whose name matches the given regular expression.
Return Type: void
JEI.hideRegex(regex as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter regex | Type string | Description The regular expression that identifies ingredient names that should be hidden from JEI. |