Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import contenttweaker.builder.vanilla.item.Sword;
Extending ItemBuilder<Sword>
Sword extends ItemBuilder<Sword>. That means all methods available in ItemBuilder<Sword> are also available in Sword
Return Type: Sword
Sword.attackSpeed(attackSpeed as float) as Sword
Parameter | Type |
Parameter attackSpeed | Type float |
Return Type: Sword
Sword.baseAttackDamage(attackDamageBase as int) as Sword
Parameter | Type |
Parameter attackDamageBase | Type int |
Return Type: ItemReference
Sword.build(name as string) as ItemReference
Parameter | Type |
Parameter name | Type string |
Return Type: T
Sword.canAlwaysEat(canEat as boolean) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter canEat | Type boolean |
Return Type: T
Sword.cloning(properties as ItemProperties) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter properties | Type ItemProperties |
Return Type: T
Sword.cloning(standard as StandardItemProperties?, food as FoodItemProperties?) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter standard | Type StandardItemProperties? |
Parameter food | Type FoodItemProperties? |
Return Type: T
Sword.craftRemainder(remainder as ItemReference) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter remainder | Type ItemReference |
Return Type: T
Sword.durability(damage as int) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter damage | Type int |
Return Type: T
Sword.fastFood(fast as boolean) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter fast | Type boolean |
Return Type: T
Sword.fireResistant(fireResistance as boolean) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter fireResistance | Type boolean |
Return Type: T
Sword.meat(meat as boolean) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter meat | Type boolean |
Return Type: T
Sword.nutrition(nutrition as int) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter nutrition | Type int |
Return Type: T
Sword.saturationMod(modifier as float) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter modifier | Type float |
Return Type: T
Sword.stacksTo(size as int) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter size | Type int |
Return Type: T
Sword.tab(tab as CreativeTabReference) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter tab | Type CreativeTabReference |
Return Type: Sword
Sword.tier(tier as TierReference) as Sword
Parameter | Type |
Parameter tier | Type TierReference |