Shaped Recipes
Link to shaped-recipes
Shaped Recipes are recipes where the order of the ingredients matter, they need to be in a specific shape for the recipe to craft.
An example of a shaped recipe is the Bucket recipe, where the Iron Ingots need to be placed in the correct order for it to Craft.
Link to 添加有序合成配方
ZenScript Copy// craftingTable.addShaped(recipeName as string,
// output as IItemStack,
// ingredients as IIngredient[][],
// recipeFunction as @optional RecipeFunctionMatrix);
The optional RecipeFunctionMatrix at the end of the method is only needed for advanced recipe where the output changes depending on the input, an example being transfering NBT data from one of the input ingredients to the output item.
In general, most of your recipes are not going to be using the function, but it is there if you need it.
The recipeName
has some restrictions that should be kept in mind: 1) The name you provide is the "path" value of the name of the recipe, all recipes added through CraftTweaker will have the crafttweaker
modid as part of the name.
For example, if you provide "boat" as the name, the full recipe name will be crafttweaker:boat
. 2) It needs to be unique, using a non-unique recipe name will cause your recipe to replace the previous recipe. 3) It cannot contain spaces or colons (:
). 4) It must be all lowercased. 5) It cannot start with "autogenerated/"
as it is a reserved CraftTweaker folder.
For the output
, something to note is that it has to be an IItemStack, passing in an IIngredient will not work, so using <tag:items:minecraft:wool>
or <item:minecraft:diamond> | <item:minecraft:dirt>
will not work as they are both IIngredients, but using <item:minecraft:diamond>
is valid and will work.
For a recipe like this, you don't need the recipe function, so it is simply left out.
注意这个方法,因为我们只使用了2行, 所以其配方可能正好像上面做出的桶配方的例子。
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShaped("dirt_bucket_to_diamond", <item:minecraft:diamond>, [
[<item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:dirt>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:air>]]);
因为我们将 item:minecraft:air 放在了其他位置,所以他只能接受左下方的苹果。
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShaped("apple_to_arrow", <item:minecraft:arrow>, [
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:air>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:air>],
[<item:minecraft:apple>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:air>]]);
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShaped("diamond_and_apples_to_dirt", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [
[<item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:air>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:apple>]],
(usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {
if <item:minecraft:apple>.withTag({display: {Name: "{\"text\":\"Super Apple\"}"}}).matches(inputs[1][1]) {
return usualOut * 8;
return usualOut;