
Here are the commands that matter:

/ct hand

Prints information about the item you’re holding to your chat. This is crucial to get Items, Tags and Block bracket handlers.


The result of using /ct hand on the Sand item.


Reloads the game, the same thing as relogging into a world. Reloads datapacks and after those, scripts. Useful to not restart the game to test your features. Errors in your scripts will be shown here and in your crafttweaker.log file.


/ct log

Gives you a clickable link to where your crafttweaker.log file is located, which is a crucial file in script writing and debugging. Will only work in singleplayer as it opens the folder the scripts are found in, and that cannot be done in the remote server.


/ct scripts

Gives you a clickable link to where your scripts directory is within your Instance. Just like /ct log, it will only work on a singleplayer world.


/ct issues

Gives you a clickable link that opens the Github Issue Tracker for the CraftTweaker mod through your Browser. Bug reports should be done through the github tracker, although extensive discussion of them should be done through the discord.


/ct discord

Gives you a clickable link that opens the CraftTweaker discord through your Browser. You can ask for help here!


/ct dump

The dump command is a command that can be used to dump all possible bracket types of the selected kind to the crafttweaker.log.


/ct dump recipeTypes

The dump recipeTypes command is the execution of the dump command with the recipeTypes argument. It will print the list of registered recipetypes. These are crucial to add a recipe to a recipetype that doesn’t have default support, through a JSON Recipe, just like a datapack. More information about this can be found here.

/ct dump_brackets

The dump_brackets command executes the dump command for every possible argument. This dump, however, will be placed in a folder called ct_dumps in your .minecraft folder.

/ct help

Displays the extended, full list of commands CraftTweaker registers. Consists of 6 pages.

/ct recipes

If no arguments are given, this command generates the full recipe list to the crafttweaker.log file. If the hand argument is provided, it will generate all recipes for the held item. The recipes are given to you in their script form.


/ct examples

Generates an examples folder under your scripts directory. These include example files for the version of CraftTweaker you are using, which run out of the box and showcase the various modifications you can apply through the use of CraftTweaker. It is recommended to move them out of the scripts folder to see them without having them execute.
