Link to mobeffectinstance
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.entity.effect.MobEffectInstance;
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
MobEffectInstance implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in MobEffectInstance
- Comparable<MobEffectInstance>
Static Methods
Link to static-methods
Name: load
Return Type: MobEffectInstance
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.load(data as MapData) as MobEffectInstance
Parameter | Type |
Parameter data | Type MapData |
Link to constructors
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>);
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect, duration as int) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 100);
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
Parameter duration | Type int |
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect, duration as int, amplifier as int) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 100, 2);
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
Parameter duration | Type int |
Parameter amplifier | Type int |
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect, duration as int, amplifier as int, ambient as boolean, visible as boolean) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 100, 2, true, false);
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
Parameter duration | Type int |
Parameter amplifier | Type int |
Parameter ambient | Type boolean型 |
Parameter visible | Type boolean型 |
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect, duration as int, amplifier as int, ambient as boolean, visible as boolean, showIcon as boolean) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 100, 2, true, false, false);
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
Parameter duration | Type int |
Parameter amplifier | Type int |
Parameter ambient | Type boolean型 |
Parameter visible | Type boolean型 |
Parameter showIcon | Type boolean型 |
ZenScript Copynew MobEffectInstance(mobEffect as MobEffect, duration as int, amplifier as int, ambient as boolean, visible as boolean, showIcon as boolean, hiddenEffect as MobEffectInstance) as MobEffectInstance
new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 100, 2, true, false, false, new MobEffectInstance(<mobeffect:minecraft:haste>, 200, 3));
Parameter | Type |
Parameter mobEffect | Type MobEffect |
Parameter duration | Type int |
Parameter amplifier | Type int |
Parameter ambient | Type boolean型 |
Parameter visible | Type boolean型 |
Parameter showIcon | Type boolean型 |
Parameter hiddenEffect | Type MobEffectInstance |
Link to methods
Name: applyEffect
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.applyEffect(entity as LivingEntity)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter entity | Type LivingEntity |
Name: compareTo
Return Type: int
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.compareTo(other as MobEffectInstance) as int
Parameter | Type |
Parameter other | Type MobEffectInstance |
Name: getAmplifier
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.getAmplifier() as int
Name: getDescriptionId
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.getDescriptionId() as string
Name: getDuration
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.getDuration() as int
Name: getEffect
Return Type: MobEffect
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.getEffect() as MobEffect
Name: isAmbient
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.isAmbient() as boolean
Name: isNoCounter
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.isNoCounter() as boolean
Name: isVisible
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.isVisible() as boolean
Name: setNoCounter
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.setNoCounter(noCounter as boolean)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter noCounter | Type boolean型 |
Name: showIcon
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MobEffectInstance.showIcon() as boolean
Name: tick
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.tick(entity as LivingEntity, onFinish as Runnable?) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter entity | Type LivingEntity | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter onFinish | Type Runnable? | Optional true | Default Value null |
Name: update
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMobEffectInstance.update(instance as MobEffectInstance) as boolean
Parameter | Type |
Parameter instance | Type MobEffectInstance |
Link to properties
名称 | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter |
名称 ambient | Type boolean型 | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 amplifier | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 descriptionId | Type string | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 duration | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 effect | Type MobEffect | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 isNoCounter | Type boolean型 | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 showIcon | Type boolean型 | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
名称 visible | Type boolean型 | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |