
Link to rightclickitemevent

The rightClickItem event is fired whenever the player right clicks with an item in their hand. It does not offer any special getters, but you can still access all members from PlayerInteractEvent

The event is cancelable.

If the event is canceled, Item#onItemRightClick will not be called

The event does not have a result.

Importing the class

Link to importing-the-class

Importing the class is recommended for events, simply add this line to the top of your script file.

import crafttweaker.forge.api.player.interact.RightClickItemEvent;

Listening to the event

Link to listening-to-the-event

events.register<crafttweaker.forge.api.player.interact.RightClickItemEvent>(event => {
    println("RightClickItemEvent ran!");

RightClickItemEvent extends PlayerInteractEvent. That means all methods available in PlayerInteractEvent are also available in RightClickItemEvent