Importing the class
If you need to reference this type directly, like when casting an Array, or as a parameter, you will need to import it. Simply add the import at the top of the file.
getFallDamageSource(entity as Entity) as DamageSource
Gets the damage source used when this block falls on an entity.
Returns: The damage source used when this block falls on an entity.
Return Type:
onBrokenAfterFall(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity)
Called when a falling block breaks after falling.
onLand(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingState as BlockState, placeState as BlockState, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity)
Called when a falling block lands on a block.
placeState: BlockState
Type: BlockState
- The state of the block that the falling block is landing on.