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Importing the class

If you need to reference this type directly, like when casting an Array, or as a parameter, you will need to import it. Simply add the import at the top of the file.

import crafttweaker.api.food.FoodProperties;


Represents the properties of a food item.


Gets whether the food can always be eaten.
// FoodProperties.canAlwaysEat as bool
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).canAlwaysEat

Return Type: bool

static create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(myInt, myFloat, myBool, myFloat);


nutrition Type: int - The nutrition value.
saturation Type: float - The saturation value.
canAlwaysEat Type: bool - Whether the food can always be eaten.
eatSeconds Type: float - The number of seconds it takes to eat the food.

Return Type: FoodProperties

static create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float, usingConvertsTo as IItemStack) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float, usingConvertsTo as IItemStack) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(myInt, myFloat, myBool, myFloat, myIItemStack);


nutrition Type: int - The nutrition value.
saturation Type: float - The saturation value.
canAlwaysEat Type: bool - Whether the food can always be eaten.
eatSeconds Type: float - The number of seconds it takes to eat the food.
usingConvertsTo Type: IItemStack - The item that the food converts to when eaten.

Return Type: FoodProperties

static create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float, usingConvertsTo as IItemStack, effects as List<PossibleEffect>) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.create(nutrition as int, saturation as float, canAlwaysEat as bool, eatSeconds as float, usingConvertsTo as IItemStack, effects as List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect>) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(myInt, myFloat, myBool, myFloat, myIItemStack, myList);


nutrition Type: int - The nutrition value.
saturation Type: float - The saturation value.
canAlwaysEat Type: bool - Whether the food can always be eaten.
eatSeconds Type: float - The number of seconds it takes to eat the food.
usingConvertsTo Type: IItemStack - The item that the food converts to when eaten.
effects Type: List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect> - The effects that the food applies when eaten.

Return Type: FoodProperties

Gets the number of seconds it takes to eat the food.
// FoodProperties.eatSeconds as float
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).eatSeconds

Return Type: float

Gets the effects of the food properties.
// FoodProperties.effects as List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect>
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).effects

Return Type: List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect>

Gets the nutrition value of the food properties.
// FoodProperties.nutrition as int
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).nutrition

Return Type: int

Gets the saturation modifier of the food properties.
// FoodProperties.saturationModifier as float
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).saturationModifier

Return Type: float

Gets the item that the food converts to when eaten.
// FoodProperties.usingConvertsTo as IItemStack
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).usingConvertsTo

Return Type: IItemStack

withCanAlwaysEat(canAlwaysEat as bool) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given can always eat value.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withCanAlwaysEat(canAlwaysEat as bool) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withCanAlwaysEat(myBool);


canAlwaysEat Type: bool - The new can always eat value.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withEatSeconds(eatSeconds as int) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given eat seconds value.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withEatSeconds(eatSeconds as int) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withEatSeconds(myInt);


eatSeconds Type: int - The new eat seconds value.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withEffect(effect as MobEffectInstance, probability as float) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given effect.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withEffect(effect as MobEffectInstance, probability as float) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withEffect(myMobEffectInstance, myFloat);


effect Type: MobEffectInstance - The effect to add.
probability Type: float - The probability of the effect.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withEffect(effect as PossibleEffect) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given effect.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withEffect(effect as FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withEffect(myPossibleEffect);


effect Type: FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect - The effect to add.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withEffects(effects as List<PossibleEffect>) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given effects.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withEffects(effects as List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect>) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withEffects(myList);


effects Type: List<FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect> - The new effects.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withNutrition(nutrition as int) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given nutrition value.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withNutrition(nutrition as int) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withNutrition(myInt);


nutrition Type: int - The new nutrition value.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withoutEffect(effect as MobEffect) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, without the given effect.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withoutEffect(effect as MobEffect) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withoutEffect(myMobEffect);


effect Type: MobEffect - The effect to remove.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withoutEffect(effect as PossibleEffect) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, without the given effect.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withoutEffect(effect as FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withoutEffect(myPossibleEffect);


effect Type: FoodPropertiesPossibleEffect - The effect to remove.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withSaturation(saturation as float) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given saturation modifier.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withSaturation(saturation as float) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withSaturation(myFloat);


saturation Type: float - The new saturation modifier.

Return Type: FoodProperties

withUsingConvertsTo(usingConvertsTo as IItemStack) as FoodProperties
Creates a new food properties based on this instance, with the given using converts to value.

Returns: The new food properties.

// FoodProperties.withUsingConvertsTo(usingConvertsTo as IItemStack) as FoodProperties;
FoodProperties.create(1, 1.0, true, 1.0).withUsingConvertsTo(myIItemStack);


usingConvertsTo Type: IItemStack - The new using converts to value.

Return Type: FoodProperties