An ICTBlockState object represents a block’s current state.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.BlockState;
Calling an ICTBlockState
You can get an ICTBlockState either as a parameter in an IBlockAction function or from the Block Bracket Handler
ZenMethods and ZenGetters
ZenMethod | ZenGetter | Return Type | Description |
ZenMethod getBlock() | ZenGetter block | Return Type IBlock | Description Returns the refered block |
ZenMethod getMeta() | ZenGetter meta | Return Type int | Description Returns the refered block’s metadata |
ZenMethod canProvidePower() | ZenGetter | Return Type boolean | Description Returns if the refered block can provide Redstone Power |
ZenMethod getMobilityFlag() | ZenGetter | Return Type PushReaction | Description Returns the push reaction flag |
boolean isReplaceable(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Returns a boolean that sais whether the block can be replaced or not.
int getLightValue(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
Returns an int representing the current light value at the given location.
int getWeakPower(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos, Facing facing);
- IWorld world → The world to be checked in
- IBlockPos pos → The Block’s position
- Facing facing → The side to be checked
Returns an int representing the current redstone power on this side.
int getComparatorInputOverride(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
Returns an int representing the block’s redstone comparator input override type.
Comparing two ICTBlockState objects
You can either use int compare(ICTBlockState other);
or the ZenCompare Tokens ==
The return different types though:
returns an int that is 0 if they are equalstate == other
returns a bool that is true of they are equal