An IMaterialDefinition object represents a material definition in the game. A Material Definition is needed if you want to create a new block.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.BlockMaterial;
Calling an IMaterialDefinition object
You can get such an object using the Block Material Bracket Handler:
ZenGetters/ZenMethods without parameters
ZenGetter | ZenMethod | Return Type |
ZenGetter blocksLight | ZenMethod blocksLight() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter blocksMovement | ZenMethod blocksMovement() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter canBurn | ZenMethod getCanBurn() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter mobilityFlag | ZenMethod getMobilityFlag() | Return Type PushReaction |
ZenGetter liquid | ZenMethod isLiquid() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter opaque | ZenMethod isOpaque() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter replaceable | ZenMethod isReplaceable() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter solid | ZenMethod isSolid() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter toolNotRequired | ZenMethod isToolNotRequired() | Return Type bool |
Compare two BlockMaterials
You can use the ==
operator to see if two MaterialDefinitions are equal
if(materialA == materialB) print("success!");