Advanced Recipes
import mods.ic2.AdvRecipes;
Recipe Types
There are several types of recipes:
Shaped Recipes
Shaped Recipes are recipes, where it matters, which item goes into which slot. For example, you can’t just arrange 7 different sized stacks of iron ingots in any order to create iron leggings. The shape matters, thus it is a shaped recipe.
Shapeless Recipes
Shapeless Recipes are recipes, where only the items you put in the crafting grid matter, whereas the shape is of no importance. For example, blue and yellow dye create green dye. This recipe doesn’t care about where you put which item.
Add Recipes
This creates a shaped recipe for output
using inputs
as Ingredients.
is an IItemStack
is an IIngredient[][] (see below)
is a 2 Dimensional IIngredient Array.
So the recipe for Iron Leggings would be written as [[iron,iron,iron],[iron,null,iron],[iron,null,iron]]
If that looks to confusing, try splitting the arrays up into one array per line
val iron = <minecraft:iron_ingot>;val leggings = <minecraft:iron_leggings>;
AdvRecipes.addShaped(leggings, [[iron * 5,iron * 7,iron * 5], [iron * 3,null,iron * 3], [iron,null,iron]]);
This creates a shapeless stacked recipe for output
using inputs
as Ingredients.
is an IItemStack
is an IIngredient[] (e.g. [minecraft:dye:1,minecraft:dye:2])
mods.ic2.AdvRecipes.addHiddenShapeless(IItemStack output, IIngredient[] ingredients);mods.ic2.AdvRecipes.addHiddenShaped(IItemStack output, IIngredient[][] ingredients);
This creates a shaped or shapeless stacked recipe for output
using inputs
as Ingredients that is hidden.