import mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer;
Add Both Recipe
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addBothRecipe(IItemStack output, IItemStack input, int energy);
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addBothRecipe(<minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:dirt> * 64, 500);
- IItemStack output
- IItemStack input Has to be an ItemStack, no oredict or other stuff.
- int energy Total eu received from discharge part and total energy used for charge part of the recipe.
Add Charge Recipe
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addChargeRecipe(IItemStack output, IItemStack input, int energy);
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addChargeRecipe(<minecraft:emerald>, <minecraft:stone> * 64, 500);
- IItemStack output
- IItemStack input Has to be an ItemStack, no oredict or other stuff.
- int energy Total eu used in the recipe.
Add Discharge Recipe
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addDischargeRecipe(IItemStack output, IItemStack input, int energy);
mods.ic2.ClassicElectrolyzer.addDischargeRecipe(<minecraft:cobblestone> * 64, <minecraft:bedrock>, 500);
- IItemStack output
- IItemStack input Has to be an ItemStack, no oredict or other stuff.
- int energy Total eu received from the recipe.
Simply disable the corresponding recipe in config/ic2/ic2machineRecipes.json