Salis Mundus
This package allows you to add conversion handlers for thaumcraft’s salis mundus handler.
These handlers are invoked when you click a block in the world with Thaumcraft’s salis mundus to change them to something else.
If that result is a block, it will be placed in the world, if not it will be dropped as item.
Import the package
To shorten method calls you can import the package like so:
import mods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus;
Add Recipes
You can either specify an IBlock or an IOreDictEntry.
If you don’t specify a research, this recipe will always be possible, if you do decide to specify a research string, you need to have the research unlocked in order for the conversion to work.
//mods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.addSingleConversion(IBlock in, IItemStack out, @Optional String research);SalisMundus.addSingleConversion(<blockstate:minecraft:dirt>.block, <minecraft:bedrock>);
//mods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.addSingleConversion(IOreDictEntry in, IItemStack out, @Optional String research);mods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.addSingleConversion(IOreDictEntry in, IItemStack out, @Optional String research);SalisMundus.addSingleConversion(<ore:blockIron>, <minecraft:bedrock>);
Remove Recipes
You can also remove all recipes that return a matching item.
This handler checks if the parameter provided matches with the output itemStack, so you could also remove all recipes using the wildcard ingredient <*>
mods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.removeSingleConversion(IIngredient output);
//Removes ALL registered handlersmods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.removeSingleConversion(<*>);
//Only removes the crucible handlermods.thaumcraft.SalisMundus.removeSingleConversion(<thaumcraft:crucible>);