Smelting bonus
Link to smelting-bonus
This package allows you to add and remove items to/from the Smelting bonus list.
The Smelting Bonus list is queried whenever an infernal furnace cooks an item.
Importing the package
Link to importing-the-package
You can import the package and its methods to facilitate the retrival of the methods.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.thaumcraft.SmeltingBonus;
Adding items
Link to adding-items
Notice: Input needs to be either an IItemStack or an IOreDictEntry
ZenScript Copy//mods.thaumcraft.SmeltingBonus.addSmeltingBonus(IIngredient input, WeightedItemStack stack)
mods.thaumcraft.SmeltingBonus.addSmeltingBonus(<minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:button> % 20);
Removing items
Link to removing-items
Notice: Input needs to be either an IItemStack or an IOreDictEntry
ZenScript Copy//mods.thaumcraft.SmeltingBonus.removeSmeltingBonus(IIngredient input, IItemStack stack);
mods.thaumcraft.SmeltingBonus.removeSmeltingBonus(<minecraft:gold_ore>, <minecraft:gold_nugget>);