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Item Conditions

Sometimes normal items won’t cut it and we want to:

  • specify recipes that only work when the input item fulfills some conditions.
  • specify recipes that will produce a special item, be it with NBT-Tag or Damage value or otherwise.

Importing the package

It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.item.IItemCondition;

Input Conditions

These will affect the items that you can use to craft the resulting item. Remember, you can mix modifiers, to mix Damage and NBT-Tag, for example

<minecraft:iron_pickaxe>.anyDamage().onlyDamaged().withTag({display: {Lore: "Aren't we all butterflies?"}});



The input item’s damage value does not matter for the recipe



The input item needs to be damaged. Only works in combination with anyDamage()!


Damaged at least

Input item’s damage value needs to be at least the specified value. Only works in combination with anyDamage()!

item.anyDamage().onlyDamageAtLeast(value as int);

Damaged at most

Input item’s damage value needs to be at most the specified value. Only works in combination with anyDamage()!

item.anyDamage().onlyDamageAtMost(value as int);

Damaged between

Input item’s damage value needs to be between the specified min and max. Only works in combination with anyDamage()!

item.anyDamage().onlyDamageBetween(min as int, max as int);


The input item will receive value damage points and you will get it back, unless it breaks during the crafting process.
You can also use this to repair items by having a negative value.

item.transformDamage(value as int);


Sometimes you want your ingredients to require a specific NBT-Tag. The recipe doesn’t care if your item has NBT-Tags other than the ones specified, So a pickaxe with a specific lore may also be enchanted!

If you use withTag JEI will display it properly, if you use onlyWithTag, JEI will only display a tagless item!

Here’s how you do it:

item.withTag(tag as IData);
item.onlyWithTag(tag as IData);
<minecraft:iron_pickaxe>.withTag({display: {Name: "Pickle the Pickleberry"}});
<minecraft:iron_pickaxe>.onlyWithTag({display: {Name: "Pickle the Pickleberry"}});

Output modifiers

If you can specify input conditions, it’s not so hard to also define output conditions, or rather, output modifiers.


Your output item will have value damage points.

item.withDamage(value as int);


Your output item will have tag as the NBT-Tag.

item.withTag(tag as IData);
<minecraft:iron_pickaxe>.withTag({display: {Name: "Pickle the Pickleberry"}})

Registering custom Item Conditions

You can also add your own itemConditions. These are special functions that accept the item itself as single parameter.

conditionedItem = item.only(function(itemStack as IItemStack) as bool {
var b as bool = true;
// do something with itemStack
return b;

The function needs to return a bool that is true if the item matches the condition.