Brewing Recipe Handler
Access the Brewing Handler
You can access the Brewing Handler using the brewing
global keyword.
Recipe Methods
A Brewing Recipe consists of 3 Parts:
- An Input (What is in the 3 “Bottle Slots”)
- One or more possible Ingredients (What can go into the upper slot where netherwart goes)
- The output (What the recipe returns)
Add Brewing Recipes
//brewing.addBrew(IIngredient input, IIngredient ingredient, IItemStack output, @Optional boolean hidden);brewing.addBrew(<ore:blockGlass>, <ore:logWood>, <minecraft:beacon>);brewing.addBrew(<ore:ingotGold>, <minecraft:obsidian>, <minecraft:wool:3>, true);
//brewing.addBrew(IIngredient input, IIngredient[] ingredients, IItemStack output, @Optional boolean hidden);brewing.addBrew(<minecraft:bedrock>, [<minecraft:lapis_ore>], <minecraft:sponge:1>);brewing.addBrew(<minecraft:gold_block>, [<minecraft:iron_block>, <minecraft:lapis_block>], <minecraft:sponge:1>, true);
Remove Brewing Recipes
Only works with JEI version or higher.
//brewing.removeRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack ingredient);brewing.removeRecipe(<minecraft:potion>.withTag({Potion: "minecraft:water"}), <minecraft:gunpowder>);