Seeds are things you get from punching tall grass.
Print all seeds to the log
This command will print all registered seeds to the log.
Needs to be performed by a player or console, cannot be written in a zs-file.
1.12/ct seeds
pre-1.12/mt seeds
Add a seed drop
Adds item
as seed drop.
Weights are relative to grass seed, which has a weight of 10 (≙ 10%)!
is a weightedItemStack.
What does that mean? It simply means that you need to give it a percentage like this:
//adds carrots with a weight of 1vanilla.seeds.addSeed(<minecraft:carrot> % 1);
Remove a seed drop
Stops item
from being a seed drop.
is an IIngredient.
Retrieve all registered Seeds
Returns all items as a weightedItemStack List.
val seedList = vanilla.seeds.seeds;
for item in seedList { print("Item: " ~ item.stack.displayName ~ " || Chance: " ~ item.percent ~ "%");}