Link to ientityliving
A living Entity is one that has health and that can die.
Unlike IEntityLivingBase however, players aren't IEnitiyLiving objects!
패키지 임포트하기
Link to 패키지-임포트하기
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.entity.IEntityLiving;
Link to extending-ientitylivingbase
IEntityLiving extends IEntityLivingBase. That means all functions available to IEntityLivingBase objects also are available to IEntityLiving objects.
Link to methods
Link to zengetterszensetters
ZenGetter | ZenSetter | Type |
ZenGetter attackInterval | ZenSetter | Type int |
ZenGetter attackTarget | ZenSetter attackTarget | Type IEntityLivingBase |
ZenGetter canBeSteered | ZenSetter | Type bool |
ZenGetter canPickUpLoot | ZenSetter canPickUpLoot | Type bool |
ZenGetter canSpawnHere | ZenSetter | Type bool |
ZenGetter getLeashedToEntity | ZenSetter | Type IEntity |
ZenGetter isAIDisabled | ZenSetter isAIDisabled | Type bool |
ZenGetter isAIDisabled | ZenSetter isAIDisabled | Type bool |
ZenGetter isColliding | ZenSetter | Type bool |
ZenGetter isLeashed | ZenSetter | Type bool |
ZenGetter isLeftHanded | ZenSetter isLeftHanded | Type bool |
ZenGetter isNoDespawnRequired | ZenSetter | Type bool |
ZenGetter maxSpawnedInChunk | ZenSetter | Type int |
ZenGetter | ZenSetter moveForward | Type float |
ZenGetter | ZenSetter moveStrafing | Type float |
ZenGetter | ZenSetter moveVertival | Type float |
ZenGetter renderSizeModifier | ZenSetter | Type float |
Link to zenmethods
Play living sound
Link to play-living-sound
Requires no parameters.
Returns nothing.
ZenScript CopyebtLiv.playLivingSound();
Spawn explosion particles
Link to spawn-explosion-particles
Requires no parameters.
Returns nothing.
ZenScript CopyebtLiv.spawnExplosionParticle();
Set the drop chance for an Equipment Slot
Link to set-the-drop-chance-for-an-equipment-slot
Requires an IEntityEquipmentSlot object and a float.
Returns nothing.
ZenScript CopyebtLiv.setDropChance(IEntityEquipmentSlot slot, float chance);
Enable Persistence
Link to enable-persistence
Requires no parameters.
Returns nothing.
ZenScript CopyebtLiv.enablePersistence();
Link to leashes
First method requires an IEntity object, a boolean and returns nothing. Second method requires two booleans and returns nothing.
Third method requires an IPlayer object and returns a bool.
ZenScript CopyebtLiv.setLeashedToEntity(IEntity enttiy, boolean sendAttachNotification);
ebtLiv.clearLeashed(boolean sendPacket, boolean dropLead);
ebtLiv.canBeLeashedTo(IPlayer player);