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Class path: mods.botanypots.Fertilizer


To use, import the class with import mods.botanypots.Fertilizer; at the beginning of your script.

Creating Fertilizers

Fertilizer.create(id, ingredient, minTick, maxTick);

  • id <string> The id of the new fertilizer. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • ingredient <IIngredient> The item used for the fertilizer.
  • minTick <int> The minimum amount of ticks added by the fertilizer.
  • maxTick <int> The maximum amount of ticks added by the fertilizer.

Creates a new fertilizer. These can be used to grow crops faster.

Fertilizer.create("examplepack:stick", <item:minecraft:stick>, 250, 550);

Removing Fertilizers


  • id <string> The id of the fertilizer. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.

This can be used to remove a fertilizer.


Changing Fertilizer Ticks

Fertilizer.setTicks(String id, int minTick, int maxTick);

  • id <string> The id of the fertilizer. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • minTick <int> The new minimum amount of ticks added by the fertilizer.
  • maxTick <int> The new maximum amount of ticks added by the fertilizer.

This will change the growth tick range added by the fertilizer.

Fertilizer.setTicks("botanypots:fertilizers/bone_meal", 800, 900);

Changing Fertilizer Ingredients

Fertilizer.setIngredient(id, ingredient);

  • id <string> The id of the fertilizer. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • ingredient <IIngredient> The new item to be used for the fertilizer.

Sets the ingredient item that is the fertilizer.

Fertilizer.setIngredient("botanypots:fertilizers/bone_meal", <item:minecraft:sugar>);

Getting All Ids


  • Returns: <string[]> An array of all known fertilizer ids at the time this is ran.

This will give you an array of all the known fertilizer ids at the time.

// Log all ids to the crafttweaker.log file
for fertilizerId in Fertilizer.getAllIds() {

Removing All Fertilizers

This will completely remove all the fertilizers currently registered. This is useful for if you want to recreate all the data from scratch through scripts.
