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Generic JSON Recipes
This page relates to Atum 2, which has built-in support!

Spinning Wheel

Adding a Recipe

<recipetype:atum:spinning_wheel>.addRecipe(input, output, rotations);

Adds a recipe with the specified input & output, that takes the specified rotations to complete the recipe

<recipetype:atum:spinning_wheel>.addRecipe(<item:atum:scroll>, <item:minecraft:string>, 3);

Removing a Recipe

Remove Recipes by Output


Removes all recipes where the output result is the provided IItemStack.


Remove Recipes by Output & Input

<recipetype:atum:spinning_wheel>.removeRecipeByOutputInput(output, input);

Removes the specific recipe, with the specified output & input

<recipetype:atum:spinning_wheel>.removeRecipeByOutputInput(<item:atum:linen_thread>, <item:atum:flax>);

Other removal methods

See Recipe Managers for other ways to remove Spinning Wheel recipes