This page includes examples from Mekanism’s ZenClasses that aren’t easily grouped.
A FloatingLong is required as a parameter in this recipe, so we use one.
import mods . mekanism.api . FloatingLong;
import mods . mekanism.api.ingredient . ItemStackIngredient;
//<recipetype:mekanism:energy_conversion>.addRecipe(name as string, input as ItemStackIngredient, output as FloatingLong)
< recipetype : mekanism:energy_conversion > .addRecipe( "redstone_ore_to_power" , ItemStackIngredient . from( < tag : items:forge:ores/redstone > ), FloatingLong . create( 45000 ));
Let’s say we want to validate that some Mekanism-added Chemicals exist. This doesn’t seem very helpful, but it might have a use in checking one of your custom Chemicals exist.
This will use BracketHandlers and BracketValidators for safety.
BracketHandlers can be used to get
We’ll keep our code in a Function .
function validateChemicals ( ) as void {
"mekanism:ethene" , "mekanism:dirty_lead" , "mekanism:uranium_hexafluoride" , "mekanism:does_not_exist" , "mekanism:tritium"
//Even though chemical is currently a String, we can turn a string into a Chemical object using the BracketHandlers class! We do want to validate them first in case they don't exist :P
//This also works with your chemicals as long as everything is fine.
for chemical in chemList {
if ( BracketValidators . validateGasStack(chemical)){
var gasStack = BracketHandlers . getGasStack(chemical);
println( "Validated GasStack exists, with name: " + gasStack . commandString);
else if ( BracketValidators . validateInfusionStack(chemical)){
var infusionStack = BracketHandlers . getInfusionStack(chemical);
println( "Validated InfusionStack exists, with name: " + infusionStack . commandString);
else if ( BracketValidators . validatePigmentStack(chemical)){
var pigmentStack = BracketHandlers . getPigmentStack(chemical);
println( "Validated PigmentStack exists, with name: " + pigmentStack . commandString);
else if ( BracketValidators . validateSlurryStack(chemical)){
var slurryStack = BracketHandlers . getSlurryStack(chemical);
println( "Validated Slurrytack exists, with name: " + slurryStack . commandString);
println( "Couldn't validate supplied chemical name: {" + chemical + "}" );
This is the result of our script, taken from the crafttweaker.log
Validated GasStack exists, with name: < gas:mekanism:ethene >
Could not get gas for < gas:mekanism:dirty_leadmekanism:dirty_lead > , gas does not appear to exist!
Could not get infuse type for < infuse_type:mekanism:dirty_leadmekanism:dirty_lead > , infuse type does not appear to exist!
Could not get pigment for < pigment:mekanism:dirty_leadmekanism:dirty_lead > , pigment does not appear to exist!
Validated Slurrytack exists, with name: < slurry:mekanism:dirty_lead >
Validated GasStack exists, with name: < gas:mekanism:uranium_hexafluoride >
Could not get gas for < gas:mekanism:does_not_existmekanism:does_not_exist > , gas does not appear to exist!
Could not get infuse type for < infuse_type:mekanism:does_not_existmekanism:does_not_exist > , infuse type does not appear to exist!
Could not get pigment for < pigment:mekanism:does_not_existmekanism:does_not_exist > , pigment does not appear to exist!
Could not get slurry for < slurry:mekanism:does_not_existmekanism:does_not_exist > , slurry does not appear to exist!
Couldn't validate supplied chemical name: { mekanism:does_not_exist }
Could not get gas for < gas:mekanism:tritiummekanism:tritium > , gas does not appear to exist!
Could not get infuse type for < infuse_type:mekanism:tritiummekanism:tritium > , infuse type does not appear to exist!
Could not get pigment for < pigment:mekanism:tritiummekanism:tritium > , pigment does not appear to exist!
Could not get slurry for < slurry:mekanism:tritiummekanism:tritium > , slurry does not appear to exist!
Couldn't validate supplied chemical name: { mekanism:tritium }