The following script will add a recipe that will output Wheat 100% of the time by Insolating a Stick, using 500 mB of Water and consumimg 500 RF.
// <recipetype:thermal:insolator>.addRecipe(String name, MCWeightedItemStack[] outputs, IIngredient ingredient, int fluidAmount, int energy);
< recipetype : thermal:insolator > .addRecipe( "insolator_test" , [ < item : minecraft:wheat > % 100 ], < item : minecraft:stick > , 500 , 500 );
The following script will remove all Insolator recipes that output Bubble Coral.
// <recipetype:thermal:insolator>.removeRecipe(IItemStack... output);
< recipetype : thermal:insolator > .removeRecipe( < item : minecraft:bubble_coral > );
The following script will add Diamonds as an Insolator Catalyst with 5x Primary Modifier, 5x Auxiliary Modifier, 0x Energy Modifier, 0.1x Minimum Chance, and 30x Use Chance.
// <recipetype:thermal:insolator_catalyst>.addCatalyst(String name, IIngredient ingredient, float primaryMod, float secondaryMod, float energyMod, float minChance, float useChance);
< recipetype : thermal:insolator_catalyst > .addCatalyst( "insolator_catalyst_test" , < item : minecraft:diamond > , 5 , 5 , 0 , 0.1 , 30 );
The following script will remove Bone Meal as an Insolator Catalyst.
// <recipetype:thermal:insolator_catalyst>.removeCatalyst(IItemStack input);
< recipetype : thermal:insolator_catalyst > .removeCatalyst( < item : minecraft:bone_meal > );