This page relates to Thermal Expansion, which has built-in support!
Add Recipe
The following script will add recipes that will:
- Output Coal 100% of the time by Pyrolyzing a Cookie, consuming 500 RF.
- Output Coal 100% of the time and 250 mB of Refined Fuel by Pyrolyzing a Cookie, consuming 500 RF.
// <recipetype:thermal:pyrolyzer>.addRecipe(String name, MCWeightedItemStack[] outputs, IFluidStack outputFluid, IIngredient ingredient, int energy);<recipetype:thermal:pyrolyzer>.addRecipe("pyrolyzer_test_with_item", [<item:minecraft:coal> %100], <item:minecraft:cookie>, 500);<recipetype:thermal:pyrolyzer>.addRecipe("pyrolyzer_test_with_item_and_fluid", [<item:minecraft:coal> %100], <fluid:thermal:refined_fuel> *250, <item:minecraft:cookie>, 500);
Remove Recipes
The following script will remove all Pyrolyzer recipes that output Charcoal and Creosote Oil.
// <recipetype:thermal:pyrolyzer>.removeRecipe(IItemStack[] itemOutputs, IFluidStack[] fluidOutputs);<recipetype:thermal:pyrolyzer>.removeRecipe([<item:thermal:charcoal>], [<fluid:thermal:creosote>]);