This class was added by a mod with mod-id contenttweaker
. So you need to have this mod installed if you want to use this feature.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.contenttweaker.fluid.FluidBuilder;
Implemented Interfaces
FluidBuilder implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in FluidBuilder
Creates a new FluidBuilder with default colorized textures
new FluidBuilder(isMolten as boolean, color as int) as FluidBuildernew FluidBuilder(true, 0xff66ccff);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter isMolten | Type boolean | Description if the fluid is molten |
Parameter color | Type int | Description the color of the fluid, ARGB |
Creates a new FluidBuilder with two textures
new FluidBuilder(isMolten as boolean, color as int, stillTexture as MCResourceLocation, flowTexture as MCResourceLocation) as FluidBuildernew FluidBuilder(true, 0xff66ccff, <resource:contenttweaker:fluid/liquid>, <resource:contenttweaker:fluid/liquid_flowing>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter isMolten | Type boolean | Description if the fluid is molten |
Parameter color | Type int | Description the bucket fluid color, ARGB |
Parameter stillTexture | Type MCResourceLocation | Description the texture resource location of still fluid block |
Parameter flowTexture | Type MCResourceLocation | Description the texture resource location of flowing fluid block |
Instructs CoT to actually build whatever this builder is supposed to be building.
Return Type: void
// FluidBuilder.build(resourceLocation as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter resourceLocation | Type string | Description The resource path to give this block |
How fast you can walk in the fluid?
default value is 1000
Return Type: FluidBuilder
// FluidBuilder.density(density as int) as FluidBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter density | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
Is the fluid gaseous (flows upwards instead of downwards)?
Return Type: FluidBuilder
// FluidBuilder.gaseous() as FluidBuilder
The light-level emitted by the fluid
default value is 0
Return Type: FluidBuilder
// FluidBuilder.luminosity(luminosity as int) as FluidBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter luminosity | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
The Fluid’s temperature
default value is 300
Return Type: FluidBuilder
// FluidBuilder.temperature(temperature as int) as FluidBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter temperature | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
How quickly the fluid spreads
default value is 1000
Return Type: FluidBuilder
// FluidBuilder.viscosity(viscosity as int) as FluidBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter viscosity | Type int | Description No Description Provided |