Once a Summoning Info is registered with the Summoning Director , it will be available for players to use.
To perform a summoning, the player must insert the reagents into the altar and activate it with the catalyst in their hand.
Alternatively, the catalyst can be dropped above the altar and a redstone signal applied.
Players can look at the usage of the altar in JEI to see available summonings.
Looking at the recipes for spawn eggs will show summonings that include the mob the egg is for.
Summons 4 cows and 10 blazes
Spawns the blazes 8 blocks above the altar, +/- 3 blocks in each direction
Spawns the cows 4 blocks above the altar, +/- 3 blocks in each direction
Consumes 1 stone, 12 eggs and 1 stick as catalyst
Doesn’t work in the rain
If it’s raining, displays a custom message
If it’s successful, displays “Woohoo!”
Gives the mobs custom NBT
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:stick > )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:stone > , < item : minecraft:egg > * 12 ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:cow > )
.setData ( { "Health" : 200 , "Attributes" : [ { "Name" : "generic.max_health" , "Base" : 200 } ] } )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:blaze > )
.setData ( { "Health" : 2 , "Attributes" : [ { "Name" : "generic.max_health" , "Base" : 2 } ] } )
.setMutator ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
if ( attempt . world . raining ) {
attempt . message = "Can't summon this in the rain!" ;
attempt . message = "Woohoo!" ;
Spawns one cow
Consumes one sapling (with oredict support) and consumes one stone as catalyst
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < tag : items:minecraft:saplings > )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:stone > ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:cow > )
Spawns a zombie villager
Offset x+1, y+2, z+1
Additional random offset +/- 1 in each direction
Custom mob NBT
Increased health, lowered movement speed, more attack damage
Custom name displayed
Doesn’t despawn
Consumes 2 leather, one beef, and one bone as catalyst
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:bone > )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:leather > * 2 , < item : minecraft:beef > ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:zombie_villager > )
{ "Name" : "generic.max_health" , "Base" : 200 } ,
{ "Name" : "generic.movement_speed" , "Base" : 0.3 } ,
{ "Name" : "generic.attack_damage" , "Base" : 6 }
"CustomName" : "A Lost Soul" ,
Adds two summoning with the same reagents an catalyst
One spawns a blaze, the other spawns a cow. Both don’t work in the rain.
When attempted, there is a 4 in 5 chance that you will summon the cow. 1 in 5 times you will summon the blaze.
Determined by the weights of the summoning
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:pumpkin > * 3 )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:iron_ingot > * 2 , < item : minecraft:snow > * 2 , < item : minecraft:iron_bars > * 2 ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:blaze > )
.setMutator ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
if ( attempt . world . raining ) {
attempt . message = "test!" ;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:pumpkin > * 3 )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:iron_ingot > * 2 , < item : minecraft:snow > * 2 , < item : minecraft:iron_bars > * 2 ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:cow > )
.setMutator ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
if ( attempt . world . raining ) {
attempt . message = "test!" ;
Consumes 1 stone and 12 eggs
Doesn’t consume the catalyst, 1 stick
Spawns 1 zombie
Offset, spread, custom NBT
Doesn’t work in the rain
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:stick > )
.setConsumeCatalyst ( false )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:stone > , < item : minecraft:egg > * 12 ] )
.setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:zombie > )
"PersistenceRequired" : false ,
"Name" : "generic.maxHealth" ,
"id" : "minecraft:obsidian" ,
.setMutator ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
if ( attempt . world . raining ) {
attempt . message = "Can't summon this in the rain!" ;
attempt . message = "Good Luck!" ;
Requires the player to have their hunger bar below 15
Sets the player’s hunger bar to 2 upon successful summoning
import crafttweaker . api.item . IItemStack;
import crafttweaker . api.item . IIngredient;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningDirector;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningAttempt;
import mods . zensummoning . SummoningInfo;
import mods . zensummoning . MobInfo;
import crafttweaker . api.player . MCPlayerEntity;
SummoningDirector . addSummonInfo (
.setCatalyst ( < item : minecraft:stick > )
.setConsumeCatalyst ( false )
.setReagents ( [ < item : minecraft:diamond > , < item : minecraft:redstone > * 12 ] )
.addMob ( MobInfo . create ( ) .setMob ( < entityType : minecraft:cow > ) )
.addCondition ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
if ( attempt . summoner == null )
if ( ( attempt . summoner as MCPlayerEntity ) .foodLevel > 15 )
} , "You aren't hungry enough" , "Must be under 15 hunger!" )
.setMutator ( ( attempt as SummoningAttempt ) = > {
( attempt . summoner as MCPlayerEntity ) .foodLevel = 2 ;