The event is triggered when an entity is trying to replace itself with another entity. This event may trigger every tick even if it was cancelled last tick for entities like Zombies and Hoglins.
The event is cancelable.
If the event is canceled, the replacement will not occur
The event does not have a result.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
Extending MCLivingConversionEvent
MCLivingConversionPreEvent extends MCLivingConversionEvent. That means all methods available in MCLivingConversionEvent are also available in MCLivingConversionPreEvent
Sets the conversion timer, by changing this it prevents the event being triggered every tick Do note the timer of some of the entities are increments, but some of them are decrements Not every conversion is applicable for this
Return Type: void
MCLivingConversionPreEvent.setConversionTimer(ticks as int) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ticks | Type int | Description No Description Provided |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name outcome | Type MCEntityType | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description No Description Provided |