A 3-dimensional vector, in a 3-dimensional vector space.
This class is immutable, meaning its values cannot change, so it is safe to be stored as a key in maps or in collections.
No, it’s not an arrow.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.util.MCVector3d;
Implemented Interfaces
MCVector3d implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in MCVector3d
new MCVector3d(x as double, y as double, z as double) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type double | Description No description provided |
Parameter y | Type double | Description No description provided |
Parameter z | Type double | Description No description provided |
Result type | Is Implicit |
Result type MCVector3i | Is Implicit false |
Return Type: MCVector3i
// MCVector3d.asVector3i() as MCVector3i
Performs the cross product between this vector and other
Returns: The cross product.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.cross(other as MCVector3d) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Computes the Euclidean distance between this vector and the other vector.
Returns: The Euclidean distance between them.
Return Type: double
MCVector3d.distanceTo(other as MCVector3d) as double
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Performs a dot product between this vector and other
Returns: The dot product.
Return Type: double as MCVector3d) as double
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Gets the coordinate of this vector that corresponds to the given DirectionAxis.
Returns: The value of the corresponding coordinate.
Return Type: double
MCVector3d.getCoordinate(axis as DirectionAxis) as double
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter axis | Type DirectionAxis | Description The axis. |
Gets the coordinate of this vector identified by the specified index.
Namely, 0 corresponds to the X coordinate, 1 to Y, and 2 to Z.
Returns: The value of the corresponding coordinate.
Return Type: double
MCVector3d.getCoordinate(index as int) as double
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The coordinate index. |
Subtracts other
from this vector.
Returns: The subtraction result.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.minus(other as MCVector3d) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Subtracts the vector (x, y, z)
from this vector.
Returns: The subtraction result.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.minus(x as double, y as double, z as double) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type double | Description The x component of the other vector. |
Parameter y | Type double | Description The y component of the other vector. |
Parameter z | Type double | Description The z component of the other vector. |
Normalizes the current vector, making it of unit length.
Returns: The normalized vector.
Return Type: MCVector3d
// MCVector3d.normalize() as MCVector3d
Adds this vector to the other
vector, computing their sum member by member.
Returns: The sum.
Return Type: MCVector3d as MCVector3d) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Adds this vector to the vector (x, y, z)
, computing their sum member by member.
Returns: The sum.
Return Type: MCVector3d as double, y as double, z as double) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type double | Description The x component of the other vector. |
Parameter y | Type double | Description The y component of the other vector. |
Parameter z | Type double | Description The z component of the other vector. |
Scales the current vector by the given factor
Returns: The scaled vector.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.scale(factor as double) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter factor | Type double | Description The factor. |
Computes the squared Euclidean distance between this vector and the other vector.
This method is faster and less error-prone than calling distanceTo
and squaring the result.
Returns: The squared Euclidean distance between them.
Return Type: double
MCVector3d.squareDistanceTo(other as MCVector3d) as double
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Subtracts this vector from the other
vector and returns the result.
Returns: The result.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.subtractReverse(other as MCVector3d) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The vector from which this vector should be subtracted from. |
Multiplies the two vectors member by member, computing what is known as the Hadamard product.
Returns: The Hadamard product.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.times(other as MCVector3d) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type MCVector3d | Description The other vector. |
Multiplies this vector with the vector (x, y, z)
, computing what is known as the Hadamard product.
Returns: The Hadamard product.
Return Type: MCVector3d
MCVector3d.times(x as double, y as double, z as double) as MCVector3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter x | Type double | Description The x component of the other vector. |
Parameter y | Type double | Description The y component of the other vector. |
Parameter z | Type double | Description The z component of the other vector. |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name inverse | Type MCVector3d | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Inverts the vector, effectively flipping it. This is equivalent to a scale by -1, or a rotation of pi radians around the origin. |
Name magnitude | Type double | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the length, also known as magnitude, of the vector. |
Name magnitudeSquared | Type double | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the squared length, also known as squared magnitude, of the vector. This method is faster and less error-prone than calling magnitude and squaring the result. |
Name x | Type double | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the X coordinate of this vector. |
Name y | Type double | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the Y coordinate of this vector. |
Name z | Type double | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the Z coordinate of this vector. |